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How To Use Skinny Fit Tea

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The BEST Detox Skinny Tea of them ALL – Comparison Review

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What Does Detox Actually Mean

Before we get into Skinny Teatoxs specific marketing claims, its important to look at the marketing juggernaut that is the word detox.

What is detox and why is it plastered all over different products these days?

Popularised by questionable internet personalities such as self-styled toxin-hunter Vani Hari , the term detox has been recklessly bandied around with little consideration for accuracy of use and frankly, its terrifying consumers.

But if you buy into the hype, then you are fat, tired, and unhealthy because dangerous toxins have accumulated in your body.

Scary stuff. If only it were true.

Scott Gavura eloquently provides a real definition for detox in a recent article on Science-Based Medicine:

Detox is a legitimate medical term that has been co-opted to sell useless products and services. It is a fake treatment for a fake condition. Real detoxification isnt ordered from a menu at a juice bar, or assembled from supplies in your pantry. Real detoxification is provided in hospitals under life-threatening circumstances usually when there are dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol, or other poisons in the body. Drugs used for real detoxification are not ingredients in a smoothie.

Other detox reviews on this site:

How To Use Skinny Fit Products

According to the packaging, the tea is a daily drink. The directions state users can drink it anytime, without or with food. To brew, steep Skinny Fit detox tea in 8 ounces of hot water for five to seven minutes.

Drink the Zzztox tea whenever you want to relax. Enjoy the tea, either hot or cold. The company recommends adding Skinny Fit tea to your existing healthy diet and exercise plan.

Side Effects

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Skinny Fit Belly Balance

According to the website, Skinny Fit Tea Belly Balance promotes digestion, and alleviates bloating, and improves nutrient absorption. But other information on this product has been tough to come by, including supporting studies and literature. It runs $49.95/bottle if you buy it, or $39.95 if you subscribe to their monthly shipment package. Its not a tea, but rather a pill-based supplement.

  • Price: $49.95/bottle $39.95/bottle
  • Reviews: 4 Stars
  • Supplement Type: Pill
  • Pills/Bottle: 60

Skinny Fit Belly Balance Ingredients

In looking at the ingredient label for Skinny Fit Belly Balance, were seeing a few things that stand out. First off, its probably working as a colon cleanser, as we see two common ingredients sticking out. Check out the ingredients, and well talk about them below.

The big ones that stick out for us are the psyllium seed husks and alfalfa, and the Aloe Vera leaf. The husks and alfalfa are easy to peg as fiber sources. Aloe Vera, of course, is a popular natural laxative. Combined, theyre forming the classic colon cleansing duo. They make you poop, and give you the fiber that helps clean you out . We dont really like the term cleanse, as it associates it with the more unhealthy cousins of this form . This one seems safe, but a quick chat with your doctor can make sure its right for you.

Matcha Green Tea Sencha Yerba Mate And Oolong Tea

6 Most Effective Skinny Fit Teas For Weight Loss That ...

This detox tea contains matcha tea, sencha tea, yerba mate tea, and oolong tea. This tea blend helps provide the caffeine content in the product and also adds antioxidant properties.

Many of the teas are also rich in different vitamins, minerals, and different amino acids. These nutrients help boost the immune system and also boost your metabolism by giving you more energy.

These teas, especially sencha tea, help the body detox and remove toxins.

Read Also: Cold Brew Green Tea Weight Loss

Why The Hype Over Detox Teas

Detox is a buzzword right now, and companies are capitalizing on consumers desires to feel refreshed, cut bloating, flush toxins and lose weight.One popular type of product is the detox tea, like Skinny Fit Detox Tea.

These teas arent necessarily a new concept.Theyve often been used in alternative medicine and available at health food stores, but theyve become more mainstream.If you use social media, youve more than likely seen celebrities or influencers touting the benefits of these teas.

So whats the deal?Do detox teas work, and specifically, what about Skinny Fit Detox Tea?Along with whether or not theyre effective, a lot of people wonder if theyre safe, so we put together a rundown of what exactly Skinny Fit Detox Tea is, its ingredients, and whether or not its potentially safe or effective.

How Does Skinnyfit Detox Tea Work

The dietary supplement contains active ingredients that are backed by clinical research. The ingredients work to boost immunity, reduce inflammation and stress, improve digestion, and boost your energy levels.

How to Lose Weight with SkinnyFit Detox

Oolong, a herb in the tea, contains minerals, vitamins, polyphenols, and caffeine that help boost energy levels and increase metabolism. Polyphenols also help in weight management.

Hibiscus supports weight loss, healthy blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.Dandelion leaf has compounds that help remove excess water weight.

Recommended Reading: Is Gold Peak Green Tea Good For You

Determine Your Action Steps

Once you have a clear idea of what your goals are, youll need a plan of action. List out everything you need to do in order to reach your goal. Lets say you want to lose weight, youll want to set your action items around a healthy diet, exercise, accountability, and supplementation. Heres an example of how you can create a plan of action in order to see your best results

How to clean up your diet

Cleaning up your diet is just one of those things that you have to do if you want to lose weight. Its almost a non-negotiable. After all, weight loss is simply a balance of energy input versus energy output ensuring that your energy input isnt exceeding your energy output will result in weight loss. Use these action items to help you transition into healthy eating.

How to exercise regularly

Regular exercise is not only helpful for weight loss, but also for reducing stress, improving cardiovascular health, and preventing diseases like heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. If you want to make exercise a part of your regular routine, here are some action items to get you started.

How to stay accountable

How to add supplements to your regime

The Ultimate Skinnyfit Product Timeline

Skinny Fit Detox Tea

When it comes to getting the most out of your SkinnyFit products, timing is everything. And when youre putting in the effort to find the right supplements to enhance your goals, understanding when and how to take them effectively can maximize the benefits.

Heres a timeline of when to take SkinnyFit products to leverage their effects and boost your results. Keep in mind, its most important to create a routine that works best with YOUR schedule, lifestyle, and goals, so feel free to make adjustments as necessary.

  • Upon waking: Detox
  • With breakfast: Super Youth , Belly Balance , Daily Glow
  • Mid morning: Detox
  • 30 minutes before lunch: Snack Attack
  • Pre-Workout: Jump Start
  • During/post-workout: Repair & Recover , Super Youth
  • With Dinner: Belly Balance
  • PM: ZzzTox , Super Youth

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Fit Tea Vs Skinny Tea

Aside from Skinny Fit Tea, there is a similar weight-loss product called Fit Tea. FitTea offers a 14 Day Detox and a 28 Day Detox, both of which are the same. The 14-day option is $12.48, and the 28-day option is $22.49. This is also a tea bag that is steeped in hot water and consumed daily. It helps by:

  • Boosting energy levels

Checking The Teatox Claims

What can the ingredients in a teatox do to help you shed pounds? First, consider that regular teagreen, black, white, or oolonghas long been said to have some weight-loss benefits.

Like water or coffee, drinking any kind of fluid may help you feel temporarily fuller, so you may eat a little less. But “that strategy has been studied in weight-loss programs and really has not proven to be terribly useful,” says David Seres, M.D., associate professor of medicine at the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University Medical Center and a member of Consumer Reports’ medical advisory board.

“There is evidence that replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with no-calorie beverages like tea helps reduce calorie intake and weight in human studies,” Hultin adds.

The caffeine in regular tea may have other short-term effects, such as helping to curb hunger and boost metabolism slightly, but these haven’t been shown to lead to significant weight loss, Hultin says.

But the higher amounts of caffeine you may get in a teatox probably won’t add to any possible weight loss benefit, Seres says. “The likelihood is that unless stimulants are taken in larger amountsprescription levelsover a longer period of timetheres not going to be much of an effect on weight,” he says. “And in randomized, controlled studies, even these are not very effective.”

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Skinnyfit Detox Tea Ingredients Are They Safe & Effective

SkinnyFit Detox Tea Supplement Facts

Lemongrass Lemongrass is an herb that helps reduce stomach puffiness and bloating and improve digestion. The herb also acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and supports a healthy immune system. A journal in the National Library of Sciences claims that lemongrass contains citral, a compound with therapeutic properties such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.

Yerba Mate This is an herbal tea that contains caffeine to help boost your energy levels in the body without causing jitters.A study was conducted to analyze the effects of yerba mate in individuals. The results showed that the consumption of mate reduces cholesterol levels in the body, thus reducing body weight.

Another research study also reveals that supplements containing yerba mate help reduce body fat.

Dandelion Leaf Dandelion is a leaf that contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that support a healthy immune system and fight aging. According to the National Library of Sciences, Dandelion acts as a medicinal plant and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A research study also reveals that dandelion acts as an agent to fight obesity.

The Problem With Fit Teas & Skinny Teas


Hey guys!

Ever since I did my post on why I dont believe in waist trainers, youve asked me to do a blog post on skinny teas and teatoxes! So, after much careful investigation, it is time for me to tell you what I HONESTLY think about this particular tea industry as well as my conclusions on the research I did. So lets begin.

If youre an Instagram user, I know youve come across pictures that may look something like this on your explore page:

Hot girl baring her midriff with a large chest, skinny waist, and long hair, holding a prominent cup of tea and the bag that it comes in. What could be more natural?!

Oh look! Its another hot girl with big boobs, abs and long hair but this time in a bikini, sitting at the front of a yacht with her tea. I mean yeah, I do that all the time! Not.Oi! Another fit beauty withoh you get the point. Its the same formula. But seriously though, someone needs to get to the weights, can you drink your tea elsewhere while kneeling?

The marketing for these teas are simple and brilliant! I mean, get a hot girl, have her hold your product, and claim that she uses it to look like that and people will start to wonder. Get HUNDREDS of hot girls and models to do it and suddenly people will believe. And finally, get celebrities to endorse it? Well, then theres no holding me backTAKE MY MONEY!!! JUST TAKE IT NOW!!!!

Kylie Jenners 53 million young IG fans now think she takes tea everyday to look like this.

Really Victoria Justice?


Read Also: Where To Purchase Smooth Move Tea

Skinny Fit Product Warnings

Skinny Fit detox tea is for users older than 18 years of age. If you take any prescription medication, are pregnant, or nursing, you should speak to your doctor or another medical professional before using it.

Skinny Fits information and suggestions do not replace a consultation with your doctor and arent reliable as an alternative to a healthcare professionals advice.

There are no lawsuits against Skinny Fit.

When To Drink It

It likely doesnt matter if you drink it in the morning or evening. Your main consideration will be the diuretic and/or laxative effect.

If you are going to be commuting and stuck in traffic in the morning then, as a precaution, you might want to wait until youre near a toilet.

If youre getting ready to sleep, then you might not want to drink it too close to bedtime .

Recommended Reading: Does Fit Tea Really Work

Some Quotes From Customers On Amazon Include:

  • I finished the whole bag, and it didnt do anything to me at all, havent lost any weight and not helping with my bloat.
  • Do not waste your money.Product doesnt work, too expensive for a tea.
  • This product was very disappointing.
  • Total scam, they even deleted me on Facebook.
  • Biggest waste of money.
  • After using the product for almost one month, I did not notice ANY difference.

Does Skinnyfit Work For Weight Loss

Skinny Teatox Detox Tea – My Experience & Does it Work?

SkinnyFit is a detox tea that reduces stomach bloating, suppresses appetite, flushes away contaminants and enhances metabolism to help with weight reduction and flattening of the tummy. Your colon cleansing not only helps digestion but also promotes clear, glowing skin and reduces acne and inflammation.

The SkinnyFit Tea ingredients include:

  • Sencha green tea
  • Stevia Leaf
  • Matcha Green Tea

Indeed, it is true that SkinnyFit detox tea in the form of tea leaves contains caffeine. Caffeine will induce a slight increase in how much calories you burn out. It may also help you feel more alert, just as after consuming a daily cup of tea or coffee.

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What Do The Reviews Have To Say About Skinny Fit Detox Tea

Were living in the age of the review, and lets face itthats how most of us make the majority of our daily buying decisions.So what are reviewers on Amazon saying about Skinny Fit Detox Tea? This is a polarizing product.Theres almost an equal number of consumers on Amazon who gave it five stars as opposed to one star.

Why Skinnyfit Tea Wont Help You Lose Weight

Being healthy should be a top priority when it comes to our well being, but because of our busy lifestyle, we tend to take it for granted. There are many innovative ways that we can easily take care of ourselves when it comes to body wellness. Detox tea is becoming popular as a fast solution in losing weight and cleansing your body. In my article, I will introduce you SkinnyFit Tea, which is a rave right now for people. I will tell you everything you need to know here in my SkinnyFit Tea Review.

The main goal is to explain what customers can expect from SkinnyFit Tea and if it will be suitable for them. You might be a skeptic or could be a firm believer of detox teas, but this SkinnyFit Tea Review is worth the try.

Read Also: Teatox That Actually Works

Skinnyfit Review: Are Their Products Worth It

Blush and Bar

Looking for a healthy weight loss product?

Whether your goal is to drop some pounds or detox, SkinnyFit claims to help.

SkinnyFit says youll see all kinds of benefits from its collagen supplements, teas, and superfood drink blends.

But what exactly is in SkinnyFit to make it a viable weight loss and health product? And does a product like a detox tea get results?

In this SkinnyFit review, youll learn everything you need to make a confident decision. Lets get started!

My Results With Fit Tea

Skinny bunny tea

I started using Fit Tea 20 days ago. Ordered the 14 day pack, and once it arrived I havent missed a day since.

First of all, I love the fact that you can stop and start again whenever you want. Other workout and weight-loss programs keep insisting otherwise, and I cannot really picture myself inviting additional pressure cookers into my daily routine.

So extra brownie points for that.

Lets focus on the important stuff The Fit Tea review results you came here for:

  • First of all, Ive noticed my appetite decreasing only slightly. Still great, so I cannot complain there.
  • Ive lost 5 pounds in 14 days for which I suspect the most of it was water- without any change in neither my diet nor exercise. Fat tissue is noticeably down a notch- I look slimmer, and my stomach looks flat all of the time.
  • Another thing Im very happy about is digestion improvement. Here is why Im practicing and learning to become a Gestalt therapist, and if you know a thing or two about Gestalt, you probably know that it will have you sitting with a group of people, in a circle, involving some periods of silence here and there.

Now picture your stomach going bananas while everyone else is being silent. Horror, right? Well, you dont know the half of it.

However much I value skinny and whatnot, this is what Im most happy about. Its like my digestive tract has just underwent a 2.0 update. Happy times.

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