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Does Green Tea Really Help With Weight Loss

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Does Green Tea really help you lose weight fast?

We all know that an increase in blood sugar can make you gain weight. High sugar levels can allow your body to store glucose as fat and also, lead to unhealthy cravings and a drop in energy levels. But drinking green tea regularly can help regulate your blood sugar levels. It works by limiting the total amount of carbs absorbed by your body after a meal, which ultimately improves sugar metabolism.

Targets The Most Dangerous Body Fat

When most of us think about body fat, we focus on the fat that we can actually see and want to get rid of. However, some excess fat is found deep inside our bodies surrounding some of our internal organs.

This hidden fat is called visceral fat or belly fat. Its normal and healthy to carry some of this fat as it protects our organs, but it can be dangerous to have too much. Having high amounts of visceral fat puts you at a higher risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Some studies have shown that green tea may help to target visceral fat. This means you may not see fat loss from the areas you want from drinking green tea but it may help to reduce this dangerous hidden fat.

A study on Chinese adults with a high proportion of abdominal visceral fat was carried out to see if catechin-enriched green tea could help. The 12-week study found that the group drinking the green tea every day experienced greater visceral fat loss than the other group who were given a placebo.12


  • Green tea may help target visceral fat the type that puts you at risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease

How Green Tea Extract Can Help You Control Your Appetite & Reach Your Happy Weight

Who doesn’t occasionally dream of a magic pill that will help you reach all your wildest health goals? While science has yet to make that wish a reality, some people are saying nature may have already done the work for us. Enter green tea extract. Supplement manufacturers are infusing this concentrated form of green tea into products that promise to help us control our appetites and reach our happy weightsnaturally and without any side effects.

Sounds pretty great, but is it legit? Here’s what we know so far about what green tea extract does for weight loss, as well as the other health benefits of the antioxidant-rich substance.

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Clearly There’s Evidence Backing Up Those Green Tea Extract Weight Loss Claims You Might Have Seen Online Or At The Grocery Store But How Exactly Does It Work

The secret lies in green tea extract’s high concentration of antioxidants called catechins, which have been correlated with a reduction in body fat. Green tea extract’s high caffeine content also likely plays a role in its weight loss benefits. One study found that people who consumed high amounts of caffeine and green tea lost more weight and fat mass than those who consumed less of it. Other research, published in Food Science and Biotechnology, found that caffeine can actually signal the body to break down fat. So it’s likely that the caffeine and antioxidants work in tandem as a catalyst for weight loss.

When the green tea extract goes into the body, the antioxidants and caffeine enter the cells and help the body burn calories and fat, said Liana Werner-Gray, a health and nutrition coach who specializes in weight loss at Complete Wellness NYC. “Green tea extract is a good, natural way to lose weight. We have so many studies to back it up.”

If you’ve already got some matcha in your pantry, you might be wondering: Can I lose weight by drinking a cup of green tea instead of taking the extract? Not quite. Swapping out heavier drinks, like soda and lattes, for green tea can certainly help you cut calories, but beyond that, drinking tea instead of taking green tea extract probably won’t give you the weight loss results you’re looking for.

Green Tea And Our Metabolism

Does Drinking Green Tea Help You Lose Weight

Green tea also works in a way to keep the metabolism healthy. Obesity is also closely related to our metabolism. If metabolism is working correctly, then there will be hunger on time, food will be digested on time, and it will not convert into fat. If the metabolism is sluggish, then the food eaten is digested very late and is converted into energy from a distance.

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Easy Ways To Incorporate Green Tea Into Your Diet

Apart from sipping high quality green tea, you can use green tea in your Healthy Mummy Smoothies and also cook with it.

Simply use green tea, matcha powder, or green tea extract in your soups, sauces, stews, dips, bliss balls, puddings, pikelets, cakes, and more. Get creative and enjoy the health benefits of green tea.

Plus sometimes the taste of green tea can take some getting used to, so we recommend including a slice of lemon or a drop of honey in the tea until you become used to the taste. And remember, unsweetened green tea has ZERO CALORIES!!! Whats not to like about that??

How Green Tea Helps With Weight Loss And Reducing Belly Fat

There is substantial evidence that shows green tea as one of the most effective teas for weight loss. Green tea is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins – the active ingredients linked to weight loss. Epigallocatechin gallate , the most abundant catechin in green tea can boost metabolism and help increase the effects of some fat-burning hormones such as norepinephrine.

Green tea may increase the fat-burning effects of exercise. For instance, one study reported that men who took green tea extract before exercise burned more fat by 17 per cent more fat than men who didnt take the supplement. Many studies suggest that taking EGCG supplements or green tea extract can make you burn more calories – even at rest.

This powerful antioxidant can also make people consume fewer calories by acting as a natural appetite suppressant that helps you lose weight. Furthermore, green tea is particularly beneficial for reducing harmful abdominal fat that is liked to an increased risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that green tea extract or catechin supplements can help you lose belly fat. For example, two reviews of many controlled trials on green tea found that people lost about 3 pounds on average.

Green tea is also a great source of caffeine, a well-known stimulant that has been found to help your body burns both fat and calories.

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It May Boost Your Metabolism

Did you know that certain teas have been shown to kick your metabolism up a notch?

“As we age, our metabolism naturally starts to slow down but, when we fuel it correctly, we can keep it revving,” says Lupoli. “I coach clients that in addition to eating so we fuel our bodies with the right nutrients, ideal portions and at reasonable intervals, certain teas take on metabolism-boosting qualities.”

Specifically, Lupoli recommends trying green tea as it’s packed with both caffeine and the antioxidant catechin, both of which are believed to raise your metabolic rate, thus helping you to burn more calories throughout the day. Here are 7 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Green Tea.

In fact, a 2009 study revealed that participants who drank 4-5 cups of green tea each day lost an average of two more pounds than the non-tea-drinkers, even though they were doing the same amount of exercise.

It Can Help To Balance Your Hormone Levels

Why does green tea help lose weight

Whether you know it or not, it’s a lot more difficult to lose weight when your hormones are out of whackespecially as you age. Fortunately, Lupoli says some herbal teas can help you to balance your hormone levels out, thus making it easier to shed pounds.

“Rooibos herbal tea is one example of a tea that has shown some evidence of being effective when it comes to fat burning.”

Rooibos tea, which is made from the leaves of the South African “red bush” plant, is chock full of Aspalathin, a flavonoid that studies have shown can reduce the stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage.

Another 2007 study also found that black tea can speed up the process of your body returning to normal cortisol levels and calming down, which is noteworthy given that increased levels of cortisol can cause your cells to become resistant to insulin .

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Boosts Your Metabolic Rate

Do you know your body is constantly burning calories? Even, when you are sleeping. This is owing to the multiple functions that the body has to keep running, regardless of what we are doing. So, there have been studies done where green tea extracts or drinking green tea have been proven efficient in making you burn more calories. Several studies suggest that green tea can boost metabolism and help people burn 34% more calories each day.

Right Way To Use Green Tea

We understand that you are on a weight loss mission and you are all about that green but it also means that you should be able to choose good quality green tea which doesnt compromise on flavor and freshness. These are the two things that we prioritize at Vahdam, hence we recommend you to try Vahdams best green teas for weight loss. Some of the best-selling green teas for weight loss are our Lemon Spiced Green Tea, our Mint Melody Green Tea, and if you want an assortment – then go for the 60 days Green Tea Detox Kit. Also, here are a few things you can do to maximize the effects of green tea and also unlock its taste.

  • Do not use boiling water. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Ideally, the temperature of the water should be between 160 and 180 degrees at best.
  • Do not steep green tea for more than 2-3 minutes. The more you steep, the bitter will be your tea. So time it!
  • If you are a beginner, you can add lemon juice to your green tea and a teaspoon of honey in your green tea to improve its taste.
  • Do not gulp the tea but sip it slowly allowing its fragrance and flavors to fill your mouth.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Green Tea

Overdoing anything is not good and the same applies to green tea consumption. In general, green tea has no side effects but overconsumption may lead to stomach issues, headache, anxiety, etc.

It is never recommended to over-consume any drink with caffeine content in it. Green tea has caffeine in it and over-drinking may cause some issues as mentioned above. But, if you are drinking in the recommended quantity, it is best the drink for your health.

Gets Fat Cells Moving

Green Tea Weight Loss: Real or Fake

When we dont consume enough calories to maintain our weight, e.g. eating normally to stay the same weight but going for a run, our bodies turn to fat cells for fuel.

In order for fat to be burned, our bodies need to break down the fat inside our fat cells and move it into the bloodstream. All with the help of fat-burning hormones like norepinephrine .

EGCG the main antioxidant in green tea can help keep norepinephrine levels healthy by inhibiting the enzyme that normally breaks it down.6 This allows the body to break down more fat to be released into your bloodstream for energy. More EGCG = more norepinephrine = more fat breakdown!


  • EGCE in green tea can help the body break down more fat by increasing norepinephrine

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Green Tea Is A Healthy Alternative To Sugary Drinks

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to cut back on sugary drinks. Hunnes says green tea can have zero calories from fat if you don’t add sugar to it, and you will get nutrients like antioxidants that you wouldn’t get from drinking soda.

Green tea can also give you more sustained energy, without a crash, opposed to sugary drinks. If you replace sugary drinks with green tea, then you will be cutting back on a significant amount of calories over time, which can help result in weight loss.

“One can of soda typically contains 150 calories. Simply brewed green tea without anything added has negligible calories, so every can of soda that you replace in a day with green tea or any other calorie-free beverage, you would save 150 calories every serving,” says Monfiletto.

Its Hailed As A Fat Burner And A Cure For Conditions Like Cancer And Heart Disease Does It Work And Is It Safe

Green tea has long been consumed for its health properties. Along with its ability to boost mental alertness, the beverage has been said to burn fat, and potentially to protect against heart disease and cancer.

Claims like these are what draw consumers to supplements made from green tea extract, which is now a common ingredient in weight loss or fat burning supplements. In 2020, consumers spent approximately $141 million on green tea supplements, according to the latest data from Nutrition Business Journal. Andtea itself, including green tea, is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world aside from water.

So does the scientific data back up claims that green tea burns fat or boosts your overall health? We reviewed the research and spoke to experts to find out.

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Green Tea With Ginger And Lemon Benefits

Have you ever tried green tea with ginger? Its amazing what you can experience for benefits drinking this flavorful drink.

Green tea alone is a beneficial part of a daily diet that offers you a wide range of health benefits, adding ginger to your green tea makes this a delicious home healthcare remedy to heal ailments and prevent some health issues.

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You can purchase green tea with ginger at many natural food stores to enjoy the benefits of this healthy drink. The flavor is quite complex with a sweet but spicy taste when combined together.

The flavor is something unforgettable and when you read the benefits of green tea with ginger, youll surely be ready to go purchase your own green tea with ginger soon.

Will Green Tea Help With Weight Loss

Does Green Tea help for WEIGHT LOSS!!

Its true that green tea can raise your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories, says David Nieman, DrPH, director of the human performance laboratory at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. Nieman, who has studied green tea extensively, says this effect is probably due to a combination of its caffeine and catechinsantioxidants that are plentiful in green tea and present in smaller amounts in some fruits, dark chocolate, and red wine.

But the effect is likely to lead to little, if any, change on the scale. People think if you drink a few cups of green tea, youll see the fat melt away, Nieman says. Thats just not going to happen.

And the evidence that supplements derived from green tea do much for weight loss is minimal. Some studies have found modest reductions in body weight associated with green tea supplementation, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. But other human trials have found no benefit. “Taken together, the findings of these studies suggest that if green tea is an effective weight-loss aid, any effect it has is small and not likely to be clinically relevant,”write the authors of an NIH fact sheet.

Whats more, experts warn against taking the large amounts used in many studiesand recommended on many supplement labels. There have been reports of serious liver damage in people who used green tea supplements.

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Eat Whole Foods Mostly Plants Not Too Much Of Anything

The prolific author and food philosopher Michael Pollan has said that everything he’s ever learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” That’s about as good as it gets when you try to clean up your act and do a healthy version of a “detox diet” for three days. Eating clean does not mean not eating. The research tells us that detox diets don’t work, but the urge to detox is a healthy one. How to split the difference? Tell yourself: If I could grow it from the ground, I can eat it. Then choose the most natural, minimally processed foods you can find and eat those. And keep portions in check.

The 12 healthiest foods to eat to detox your body while still eating healthy meals.

Does It Really Help You Lose Weight Know Why

Green tea has gained wide attention as a weight loss product. This drink is the second most popular in the country, second only to water. Because each cup contains almost no calories, green tea can increase your metabolism and improve the efficiency of our body to burn energy.

Research suggests that it contains are responsible for increasing the oxidation levels of our fats. Thus improve the activity of insulin in our body.

Some studies show that replacing tea with calorie-filled drinks can lead us to lose up to half a kilo of fat. In fact, because green tea is a natural diuretic, it is an ideal treatment to combat fluid retention problems and general tissue inflammation.

For this reason, some estimates show that drinking green tea regularly can reduce body fat by up to 19%.

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