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HomeMust ReadHow To Steep Tea Leaves

How To Steep Tea Leaves

Can You Re Steep Tea Leaves The Next Day

How to Steep Loose Leaf Tea

Teas are best when resteeped within a few hours of the first time they were steeped.

It is not recommended to reuse tea leaves the next day. Tea begins to break down soon after steeping and, for best quality, should be reused within a few hours. Oxidation and moisture will affect the flavor of the cup significantly. These conditions can also encouragebacterial growth on the soggy leaves, so it is better to discard used tea leaves at the end of the day.

Some teas are affected more than others. The delicate leaves of white tea are affected most with oxidation and moisture, while heartier black teas can endure these factors longer but are still affected.

Other things that affect the ability to re steep tea include the variety, whether it is fine or coarse tea, the size and shape of the leaves, and whether it is made from roasted or unroasted leaves.

All teas will be affected by time, moisture, and air over time, so it is better not to risk it.

Look For Long Leafed Teas

It is unlikely that you will get all that much out of CTC tea leaves.

This is because these leaves have been cut and processed in a manner that makes them release all their flavor and aroma into the water immediately.

As such, the second steeping will result in a mild and tasteless brew.

Long leafed teas, on the other hand, have been specially prepared to contain complex and beautiful flavors and aromas.

And, as they are curled instead of cut, they release their flavors more slowly. This means that they will be good for two or more steepings.

Tea Temperature And Steeping Guide

Steeping time and water temperature depend on the type of tea you are brewing.

Leaf size also determines how long it takes to brew your tea larger leaf teas generally require longer brewing times.

Any good quality tea should come with a brewing guide, so check your packet for instructions specific to your tea.

Alternatively, here are some general tea brewing guidelines for water temperature and steeping times for different types of tea:

Tea type
96-100° C 5-7 minutes

When your tea has finished steeping, the tea leaves should be removed from the water to prevent it from becoming over-brewed . If you used an infuser it is as easy as lifting the infuser out of the teapot or cup. If you brewed the tea directly in a pot or gaiwan then either serve it all immediately into cups, or pour it into another pot for serving. It is a good idea to preheat a serving pot to prevent it from cooling the tea.

Then serve while fresh and hot. If your tea gets too cool, it is best to enjoy it over ice verses re-heating the brew.

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Water Temperature Quantity & Steep Time

Water for tea is best when it is entirely free of chlorine, low in alkalinity and, soft, with a clean, clear, crisp taste. The ideal water is pH neutral and contains few minerals. Spring water is the first choice. Of course, there are other options such as filters that will reduce or eliminate chlorine and alkalinity to help the tea leaves reveal their true flavors.

To get the best possible flavor from an infusion, there are recommended water temperatures for varieties of tea. Water that is too low in temperature may not bring out all the flavors the tea maker has crafted. Conversely, water that is too high in temperature can cause a scolding of the tea and or loss of nuance and lighter notes in a specialty tea.

Water heated toward boiling goes through identifiable stages that can be applied to the type of tea to ensure a full range of flavors. Here, we present tea types and classic, visual and numeric stages for temperatures ideal for steeping.

As for quantity, our basic rule of thumb is tablespoon of leaf per 8-12 ounces of water. As youll see from our details below, this will vary as you use differing styles of tea. Start at 3 grams, or a teaspoon, steep and taste. Experimenting here is key as you want to find the teas best taste and one you enjoy. Experiment, explore!

White Tea

1 tbs. per 8-12 oz. water 2-3 minutes

Green Tea

1 tbs. per 8-12 oz. water 1.5-2 minutes

Oolongs, Pu-erhs, & Blacks

1 tbs. per 8-12 oz. water 1.5-4 minutes

Herbals & Tisanes

Dos And Donts Of Re Steeping Tea

How To Make Loose Leaf Tea In A French Press

While this is an easy and straightforward process, there are things you can do to get it wrong. Know what to do , so you get the best cup of tea:

Dos Donts
Add fresh leaves in with the resteeped leaves for more flavor. Dont re steep tea bags that arent whole leaf tea. Or just steep once or twice.
Use fresh spring water for better flavor. Dont use tap water its full of minerals that can make the tea taste harsh or metallic.
Remove tea leaves from the water after steeping time is up. Dont brew big batches, and then try to reuse the bags. The tea will probably be weak and lack flavor.
Boost the water temperature just a bit when resteeping Dont throw them away when you are done with them! Compost used tea leaves.
Make your second brew a cold brew! Put your used tea leaves in cold spring water overnight. Dont squeeze your teabag after a steep! It releases additional tannins and can make your cup taste bitter.
Steep right the first time, so your resteeped tea will be at its best Dont store used tea leaves or bags in the refrigerator.

If you take care to steep your leaves well for the first cup, each successive steep has a better likelihood of producing a good-tasting tea. And each time you steep the same tea leaves, caffeine content goes down since most of the caffeine is released in the first brew!

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Health Effects Of Steeping Tea

Of course, one of the main reasons a lot of people drink tea is because it is healthy. So how does steeping affect the health benefits of tea?

The health aspects of tea come from the antioxidant content it has. Most of the teas contain caffeine, catechins, and L-theanine.

  • Catechin is an antioxidant that prevents the creation of free radicals, and it reduces cell damage, aging, and more.
  • L-theanine is an amino acid that has a positive effect on reducing anxiety and stress. It is also connected with improved brain functions.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant that makes us feel less tired and more alert. Caffeine has been associated with improved brain function, mood, memory, and more.

Perfect The Steeping Time

Just as water temperatures vary greatly with different tea types, so do steeping times. The longer teas steep, the more likely they are to develop bitter flavors. That’s because oversteeping encourages the release of tannins, which are responsible for strong tea flavors. As a rule of thumb, we recommend steeping for 1 to 5 minutes, making sure to taste every 30 seconds to achieve the best flavor for your tastes. Different types of tea require a specific amount of time for steeping.

Follow these general guidelines for the proper steep time of each tea type:

  • Black tea: 3 to 5 minutes for both loose leaf and tea bags
  • Pu-erh tea: 2 to 4 minutes for both loose leaf and tea bags
  • Green tea: 2 to 4 minutes for loose leaf, 1 to 3 minutes with tea bags
  • White tea: 2 to 3 minutes for loose leaf, 30 to 60 seconds with tea bags
  • Oolong tea: 5 to 7 minutes for loose leaf, 3 to 5 minutes with tea bags
  • Herbal tea : 5 to 7 minute for both loose leaf and tea bags

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How Long To Steep Green Tea

We recommend infusing most green teas for about one to two minutes. Knowing how long to brew green tea is especially important, since green tea can easily become bitter if over-steeped. If youve never prepared a particular green tea before, its often better to err on the side of caution and go with a shorter green tea steep time. A few specialty green teas, like Gyokuro and Kabusecha, should be infused for a longer period of time using cooler water.

Steeping Times For Loose Leaf Tea

How to steep loose leaf tea with the Universal Tea Infuser! #sipology

It has been established that steeping loose leaf tea, especially unbroken types, will require a little more steeping. Here is the schedule to follow to know how long to steep tea:

  • White tea: 2 to 3 minutes
  • Green tea: 2 to 4 minutes
  • Black tea: 3 to 5 minutes
  • Oolong tea: 5 to 7 minutes
  • Puerh tea: 3 to 4 minutes

Related ArticleOnce More Unto the Steep, Dear Friends: Your Guide to Reusing Loose Leaf Tea

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Dont: Ignore The Water Temperature

Its essential to not use boiling hot water in your first brew, as this can break down the leaves and result in a bitter cup. Both green tea and white tea are best brewed at a temperature between 160 180, while Oolong and Puerh require the temperature of around 190 200 and black tea should be steeped at around 200.

Dont have a thermometer handy? Weve got you covered! You can tell the water temperature by watching the bubbles. Small bubbles will float to the surface of the water at 160 to 170, while strings of bubbles indicate that the kettle is at 180 190. After that, youll have a full rolling boil.

Using Water That Is Too Hot

If you are like most people, you probably wait for the whistling of the kettle to know when your water is ready. Unfortunately, this boiling point is often too hot for most teas. Therefore, if you try to steep your tea in this water, it will lose quite a bit of its natural flavor profile. You should either take the water off the stove at the right moment or allow it to cool for a while before pouring it over tea leaves.

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How To Brew Loose Leaf Pu

If you are using loose leaf Pu-Erh you will definitely want to be careful about using just the right amount and also about getting all of the leaves out when you are finished steeping. Leaving the leaves in for too long will result in a poor flavor.

  • Fill your pan with fresh, filtered water and bring to a boil at 212F.
  • Pour excess boiling water into a tea cup to heat the cup then discard the water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of loose leaves to your teapot and pour in approximately 8-10 ounces of boiling water.
  • Steep leaves for 5 minutes.
  • Place a basket strainer over the cup and pour the tea through the strainer to keep out leaves.
  • Remove the tea leaves from the pot before allowing the pot to sit any longer.
  • What Teas Can Be Re

    Steeping Tea Bags vs. Whole Tea Leaves

    So what teas can be resteeped? The short answer is that any tea can be resteeped. Its a matter of preference really. If you taste the second steeping and like it, then let no one stand between you and your favorite cuppa.

    Pu-Erh Tea: Pu-erh teas are fermented for years like a fine wine to get their distinct flavor. In general, the older the tea, the more times it can be resteeped. In fact, some pu-erhs hold their flavor after 10 re-steepings!

    Oolong Tea: Some oolong teas have a very complex flavor that changes from steep to steep. You should be able to get at least 2-3 steepings, if not more from a decent quality oolong.

    Green Tea: Most green teas re-steep very well. You should be able to get 2-3 steepings from a good quality green tea.

    White Tea: While not generally known for a strong flavor, white teas have a spring-like clean, smooth flavor that is resilient to multiple infusions. Like green teas, you should get 2-3 steepings.

    Black Tea: Known for their strength and robustness, black teas hold up less well to multiple infusions. In general, your first infusion is going to be strong, full-bodied. A second and third infusion will still hold pleasant, distinct notes, but will not be as full-bodied. If you like your black teas strong, go ahead and leave the tea leaves in for up to ten minutes for your second infusion. most black teas wont get bitter. You might be able to squeeze out a second good cup.

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    How Long To Steep Chai Tea

    Anyone here a fan of chai tea? We know some people dont like the spicy or cinnamon like experience with it. Let us know! Some of the team here enjoy it very much, especially in Fall or Autumn seasons. To steep chai tea to perfection, use a water temperature that has reached its boiling point. Steep for 4-6 minutes.

    Start With Fresh Ingredients

    If youre making an herbal tea from fresh ingredients, such as herbs or ginger or turmeric root, its best to use them shortly after theyre cut or purchased.

    Dried tea leaves have a long shelf life when kept dry in an airtight container and out of direct light. However, extended storage times may negatively affect the quality, flavor, and aroma .

    True teas contain polyphenol antioxidant compounds called catechins, theaflavins, and thearubigins. Theyre responsible for many of teas health benefits but degrade over time .

    Researchers who monitored the antioxidants in green tea stored at 68°F found that catechin levels were reduced by 32% after 6 months .

    The quality of your water also affects the flavor of your tea. Tap water high in minerals or treated with chlorine will impart an off-flavor, so ideally, you should use fresh, cold, and filtered water when brewing.


    The tastiest and healthiest cup of tea starts with quality ingredients and fresh, cold, and filtered water. Dried tea has a long shelf life, but over time, it loses some of its flavor, aroma, and health-promoting antioxidants.

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    How Long To Steep Oolong Tea

    A typical oolong tea steep time is about two to three minutes. Usually produced in China and Taiwan, oolongs are unique teas that are partially oxidized, placing them somewhere in between black teas and green teas. Oolong teas can be infused multiple times, with subtle variations in flavor to be enjoyed in each successive cup.

    How To Make Green Tea

    How to Steep Full-Leaf Loose Tea and Herbs

    Published: by · This post may contain affiliate links

    This is a simple starter guide on how to make green tea , with tips and tricks, FAQs, as well as flavor variations!

    As much as I love matcha green tea, loose leaf green tea leaves make for a delicious and healthy beverage too as long as you make it the right way, that is. Unfortunately, unlike many tea options, brewing green tea isnt quite as simple as chucking the tea/teabag in a mug, covering with boiling water, and sweetening to your desire. Instead, there are some tips on getting the most out of your green tea.

    If you dont prepare green tea the right way, then all youd end up with is a bitter, grassy beverage. When prepared the right way, though, its earthy but flavor-packed and wonderful. Within this post, Ill take you through how to make green tea, the correct way, as well as FAQs, tips, and flavor variations.

    Plus, this post contains the method for brewing loose leaves and tea bags. I prefer to use loose tea when possible. That way you avoid any preservatives and chemicals that can be present in tea bags. Plus, tea leaves also tend to provide fresher, better flavor.

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    What Water To Use

    Tea is mostly composed of water, and so it is important to make your tea wioth good quality water. Water that tastes good will make tea that tastes good.

    If you can, try to use filtered or bottled water that is free of chemicals or chlorine to make your tea. If you only have tap water available to you then it is a good idea to collect some water and then leave it to sit for half an hour before making your tea to allow the chlorine and other additives to evaporate.

    The Best Teaware To Brew Loose Leaf Tea

    To make your life easier and avoid sipping any unwanted tea leaves, we recommend brewing loose leaf teas using an infuser. If you have a favorite cup, youd only need a brewing accessory like the Cup-size Mesh Ball or filter bags. If you prefer brewing a large amount of tea at a time, go for a bigger infuser that you can take on-the-go, or brew your tea with one of our teapots with infusers. Are you normally on the run and dont really have time to wait for the tea to brew? Try our mugs that come with a lid and an infuser, where you have everything you need all in one!

    Yes, brewing tea can be a bit accessory heavy, but believe us. Once youve got that covered, youre good to go.

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    Tea Steep Time Breakdown

    • Black tea: 3 to 5 minutes

    • Green tea: 1 to 2 minutes

    • White tea: 2 to 3 minutes

    • Oolong tea: 2 to 3 minutes

    • Pu-erh tea: 5 minutes

    1 level tsp. per 6oz. full boil
    1 level tsp. per 6oz. steaming briskly
    2 level tsp. per 6oz. steaming briskly
    1 level tsp. per 6oz. almost boiling
    1 heaping tsp. per 6oz. full boil
    1 heaping tsp. per 6oz. steaming briskly
    1 level tsp. per 6oz. steaming
    1 heaping tsp. per 6oz. full boil
    1 level tsp. per 6oz. full boil 5-10 minutes


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