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Does Matcha Green Tea Help You Lose Weight

It’s Tied To A Healthy Heart


Who knew that sipping a few cups of the green stuff a day might actually help protect your ticker? A January 2020 study looked at more than 100,900 people over the course of about seven years and observed that those who drank green tea three times a week or more had a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, per the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology study. Researchers chalk it up to green tea’s epicatechin, catechin and EGCG.

Matcha & The Metabolism

Matcha isnt just good for boosting your metabolism, its great. And technically, its not the matcha that boosts your digestive system, its the super-powerful antioxidant, Epigallocatechin Gallate that should be getting all the credit. EGCG reduces inflammation and speeds up the metabolic rate of cells. This means that when when youre doing nothing, matcha is helping you burn off more calories.

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Matcha Compared To Green Tea

Green tea is made up of leaves that are dried, chopped and then steeped in a bag, while matcha is a powder made solely from plants.

Because matcha isnt steeped, it retains a higher content of nutrients than green tea. In fact, matcha has three times the quantity of ECGC than green tea meaning its health benefits are greater.

Health experts suggest drinking between one to three cups of matcha a day if you want to see its weight loss effects. But if youre worried the matcha energy dose will keep you up at night, just stop sipping by mid-afternoon.

Does Green Tea Prevent Cancer

How Matcha Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Compounds called catechins are often credited for green teas cancer-fighting potential. These antioxidants have the ability to block the action of molecules called free radicals, which can cause changes in healthy cells that sometimes lead to cancer. But theres no solid proof yet that the catechins in green tea help to prevent cancer in humans, despite some promising studies in test tubes and animals.

In 2009 the Cochrane Library published a review of 51 studies that included a total of more than 1.6 million participants. Each study investigated whether consuming green tea reduced the risk of developing specific types of cancer, including those of the breast, colon, oral cavity, liver, pancreas, and prostate.

The results were conflicting, says lead author Katja Boehm, PhD, a health psychologist at Private University Witten/Herdecke in Germany. After scrutinizing the data, Boehm says, the evidence of a benefit wasnt strong enough to recommend using green tea to protect against cancer.

In a 2020 update to that review, the authors concluded that the evidence for a beneficial effect against cancer remains limited, with inconsistent results between studies.

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Boost Metabolism And Burn More Calories

One remarkable capability of matcha green tea is its propensity to induce weight loss gently and safely.

Matcha green tea works by increasing metabolic rate, thus resulting in more calories burnt.

According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming green tea increases our bodys calorie-burning capability.

The study found that participants daily energy expenditure increased from 8-10% to 35-43% after drinking green tea.

As a result, this proves the high content of catechins polyphenol and thermogenic properties improves weight loss significantly. Sounds like the perfect drink to burn fat!

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What Are The Side Effects Of Consuming Too Much Macha

The main side effect of drinking too many cups of matcha tea daily is its caffeine content. Although this drink contains less caffeine than coffee, it can still trigger some unwanted effects like insomnia, restlessness and anxiety in certain people .

You should also avoid having large doses if youre pregnant or breastfeeding because there isnt enough research on the potential effects green tea has on infants. If you take any medications that may interact with your current medication, make sure to consult with your doctor first before increasing your consumption of matcha .

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Sustained Alertness And Energy

Just like black tea, matcha contains traces of caffeine.

Caffeine helps to stimulate the nervous system and bolster mental functions and improve mental clarity.

What sets Matcha apart from your regular black tea is its caffeine content and how our body processes it.

Unlike black tea, matcha green tea is shaded and grown away from the sun. By limiting the amount of sunlight, the matcha tea leaves retain higher levels of L-theanine.

L-theanine is an amino acid that helps our bodies to absorb the natural caffeine in matcha slowly.

As a result, you will enjoy 3-6 hours of sustained alertness, minus the crash that often comes when drinking caffeinated drinks.

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Research has shown that l-theanine in green tea helps to reduce anxiety and improves focus simultaneously.

Its no surprise that many of us enjoy a quiet moment coiled in a cozy corner with a cuppa of matcha on hand.

However, if caffeine gives you a buzz and keeps you awake, it is best to keep matcha green tea to a pick-me-up drink before noon.

To avoid disturbing your bedtime, you may want to avoid all forms of caffeinated beverages from noon onwards.

Can Matcha Interfere With The Absorption And Activity Of Prescription Medication


Since Matcha is not a supplement but actually a whole food it does not have any more contraindications with medication than other foods like greens or teas like regular green tea. The only thing I can say is that Matcha is a natural blood thinner so those on blood thinning medication naturally should not drink Matcha. I know that many people have been able to get off of blood thinners because of Matcha. It is always recommended to check with a doctor before starting a new food or product when on medication to be safe of course and I always advise that.

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Is Matcha A Fat Burner

Helps you lose weight Green tea is well known for its ability to enhance weight loss. In fact, studies show that it may help speed up metabolism to increase energy expenditure and boost fat burning. One small study showed that taking green tea extract during moderate exercise increased fat burning by 17% .Feb 24, 2020

Health Benefits Of Drinking Matcha Tea

Epigallocatechin gallate is an antioxidant found in most teas. However, since matcha tea is produced by grinding the whole tea leaves, and you drink the powdered tea without discarding the leaves, you get a lot more of the antioxidant as compared to any other tea. And it helps improve your health in the following ways:

  • It helps flush the toxins out.
  • EGCG helps lower the stress levels and blood pressure.
  • Keeps your heart healthy by lowering bad cholesterol levels and improving overall blood lipid profile.
  • Matcha tea is also rich in dietary fiber, which keeps you full for a long period.
  • This tea will improve hair and skin health.
  • Since it helps lower blood sugar levels, it prevents the risk of diabetes.
  • Helps to detoxify the liver.

Drinking matcha tea can surely make you lose weight and improve your health. But what can happen if you go overboard with it?

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Recipes With Turmeric Match

a green tea powder for weight loss

Matcha Green Tea with Turmeric Smoothie Recipe one of the best ways to take Matcha is in a smoothie. This delicious Matcha smoothie combines banana, coconut milk, and some other unique ingredients that will help you start your day off right!

How to prepare Matcha green tea with Turmeric

Below are the steps on how to prepare Matcha green tea:

  • Add one teaspoon of Matcha powder to a cup of hot water.
  • Add one teaspoon Matcha powder to your favorite beverage or smoothie.
  • Mix Matcha into oatmeal, pancakes/waffles, or baked goods for added flavor and nutrients! You can also mix Matcha with honey or yogurt for a savory twist on the traditional Matcha green tea recipe.

I Read That Matcha Lowers Blood Pressure I Have Low Blood Pressure And Was Concern Do You Know If This Will Lower It To The Point That I Need Be Concerned

Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight? â Golden Tips

There is no need to worry. Matcha can help lower blood pressure only in the case that someone as high triglyceride levels and therefore high blood pressure due to unhealthy cholesterol levels and fat build up in the arteries. Matcha dos not force the body to randomly drop its blood pressure. If anything it will help the body maintain its natural balance.

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Is Matcha Just The Next Trend

You know what were talking about. Keto, The Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, Nutri System. In the ever-changing world of weight loss, everyone seems to have the best and newest thing to help you shed those extra pounds. Its easy to think that matcha might be just another one of these fads. But before you brush it off as the latest and greatest, know that matcha has been around for literally centuries. And, matcha isn’t just trendy nonsense, we have some science to back up our claims. So stick around for the long haul, because matcha sure has.

If you want to read more about matcha and what exactly it is, you can do so here. We recommend it if youre new to matcha because theres a surprising amount to learn about this magic green powder.

Does Matcha Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight

Green Tea. It’s been hailed for it’s numerous health benefits for years now. Known for it’s super high antioxidant content, skin and hair benefits, as a digestion aid, detoxifier, been linked to cholesterol reduction. Even as a possible aid to diabetes and cancer sufferers. But is green tea effective as a weight loss aid? And does Green tea’s potent powdered form called matcha really help with weight loss?

Matcha in Australia has become the latest health trend, appearing in numerous publications and media worldwide for it’s health benefits and claimed by Dr Oz as a powerful way to boost weight loss. It’s claims of 137 x the antioxidants of regular brewed green tea are a marketers dream, and has become one of the biggest health food trends of 2015. Looking past the hype – this article will attempt to answer the question of does matcha green tea help in weight reduction and does matcha promote fat loss?

P/s: You might have come across Japanese matcha tea at Starbucks or the local coffee shop in the form of a matcha latte. With more and more venues adding matcha to their menus – it’s becoming very common. We’re talking about matcha in its pure form. As simple powdered green tea leaves, and whether matcha tea affects weight loss. Drinking a sugary green tea latte won’t help you lose weight. So please don’t run off to order a high calorie Green tea frappuccino after reading this article )

  • Hepatic metabolism
  • Chemical degradation

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Can Children Drink Matcha

I generally don’t recommend Matcha for kids before they are in their teens unless they are doing intense training for a sport or something and use Matcha prior for energy. It is not that the Matcha will harm a child by any means but the amount of energy and endurance that Matcha provides, for up to 4 hours, is generally more than children need and if anything they usually have too much energy. Because Matcha helps to increase the metabolism and aid in natural cleansing, that is another reason to be careful with kids, even teenagers unless they are overweight. Of course always check with your pediatrician first before introducing anything new such as Matcha.

I Purchased The Weight Loss Tea Pkg Daily Deal I Just Received My Tea However I Am A Bit Uncertain As To How To Incorporate The Two Teas Into My Daily Routine Should I Be Taking Both Teas Throughout The Day The Lemon And Premium Or Only One Kind I’m Just Not Sure What To Do With Both For The Most Benefit


First I want to make sure that you downloaded your free e-book about Weight loss and Matcha…this will answer a lot of your questions. All of the Matcha tea whether the plain or flavored one including the lemon-ginger weight loss will all facilitate weight loss. The new lemon-ginger weight loss blend is of course ideal because it has other ingredients added that are also beneficial for weight loss. The plain organic original Matcha is also extremely beneficial.

This is my favorite and the most natural product I have come across for weight loss. I have recommended it for over 10 years and my clients have had great results with this whole food tea. I recommend that you work up to 3 servings daily of 1 tsp Matcha each time. If this is your first time taking it then you might need to start with 1/4-1/2 tsp at a time. The Matcha blends such as the Lemon Ginger have about 1 tsp Matcha per serving . I drink the plain Matcha first thing in the morning added to a smoothie The Lemon-Ginger about 1/2 hour after lunch to aid in digestion and cleansing and again the Lemon-Ginger late afternoon for energy and to help curb the appetite before dinner. This is what I do and most of my clients do. Even if you can only drink the Matcha 2x/day it will still be affective – I always have it in the morning and late afternoon. The Lemon-Ginger flavor is specifically designed for weight loss and can help facilitate your goals even quicker.

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Does Matcha Help Target Belly Fat For Weight Loss

Yes, it does! Studies have shown consuming at least 1-4 grams of matcha green tea a day can significantly decrease body fat composition and precisely target and melt away belly fat.

One notable study found that matcha is particularly good at increasing abdominal fat loss when consumed before workouts. Participants in the study committed to having a cup of matcha before doing 3 hour-long workouts every week over the course of twelve weeks. So if you are trying to lose belly fat – having a cup of matcha before training can help you get the results you want faster.

Can Matcha Make You Lose Weight

Matcha green tea is known to help you lose weight by speeding up the metabolism and aid in fat loss which can help lose those stubborn excess pound. If matcha is combined with a calorie controlled diet and exercise regime, studies suggest that it can increase fat burning by up to 17%.

Is Matcha Good for Weight Loss?

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Matcha And Weight Loss

Numerous studies have been done over the past couple of years now concerning the weight loss benefits of matchq green tea especially Matcha Green Tea. Matcha green tea assists and literally super-charges your weight loss regime! Why Matcha especially? Because it contains over 10 times the nutritional value of any other green tea ! Matcha drinkers consume the tea plant itself, not just a brew of its leaves. This allows an exponential increase in any health benefits offered including matcha weight loss and boosting the metabolism.Matcha Green Tea is one of the hidden “superfoods” that people are still discovering. It is a super-charged version of regular green tea, and it is an ideal product to facilitate natural and healthy weight loss – effectively. Matcha Weight loss capabilities:1. Metabolism and Matcha: Green tea speeds up the metabolism, which in turn causes the body to use more calories! Matcha Green Tea also helps to keep the body from storing excess fat and it is a natural appetite suppressant. Burn more calories, lose more fat!

2. Thermogenisis: Research was conducted in Switzerland about 15 years ago which showed a marked difference in the increase of the metabolism and subsequent burning of calories in a case study done with overweight patients. This process of increasing your metabolism is called “Thermogenesis”, which in effect, means that your body’s ability to burn off fat is literally supercharged.

Here are some excerpts

When Are The Best Times To Drink Matcha I Am Concerned About Drinking Matcha In The Evening And Then Sleeping Well

Does Drinking Green Tea Help You Lose Weight

You definitely have to be careful with drinking Matcha after dinner time. I have a new baby and a 3 year old and was so tired the other evening that I drank a full teaspoon of plain Matcha and was up for hours writing and cleaning. So unless you are wanting to be production for next few hours after drinking Matcha I wouldn’t advise a full serving, especially if you have sleeping problems. The best thing you can do for your evening meal is to focus on drinking 1/2 serving or more 1/2-1 hour BEFORE dinner that way it can help with the fat digestion, curb the appetite and cleansing and then you won’t have to worry as much about drinking it after dinner and being alert for hours. Since Matcha flows through your bloodstream for up to 4 hoursI would at minimum drink it at least 4 hours before bedtime. However, if you are really sensitive I would start off more cautious and work up: Maybe try Matcha first thing in the morning, then late morning or right after lunch and then again between and 4 pm as your last matcha drink. Only have a 1/2 serving between 2 and 4 just to be cautious. Try that for a couple days and see how it affects you. You can always back down on amounts or omit the 3rd afternoon Matcha drink.

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