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How To Use Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

What Is Oolong Tea And How Does It Taste

Update Oolong Tea Easy Weight Loss!

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Keeping this in consideration, how do you make oolong tea?


  • Heat the water: Place the water in a tea kettle and heat it to 180°F to 200°F. Alternatively, bring the water to a boil and then let it rest until it cools to the correct temperature.
  • Pre-warm the teapot or cup : Pour a small amount of boiling water into the pot or cup.
  • How does oolong tea help you lose weight?

    Weight losslose weightOolong teaOolong teahelpingweight loss

    Where did oolong tea come from?

    FujianPinglinQingxinFujian province

    What Is Oolong Tea

    Tea originated in China thousands of years ago and has since spread throughout the world, becoming the most commonly consumed beverage worldwide, after water. There are many different types of tea, from black to green to herbal, and each type comes with its own health benefits, many of which are similar.

    One specific type â oolong tea â is especially rich in compounds called polyphenols, which are .

    Like black and green tea, oolong tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, or C.sinensis, plant. While black tea and green tea are made through the processes of full fermentation and nonfermentation, respectively, oolong tea is made through semi-fermentation. That puts it right in the middle of the spectrum between green and black teas.

    Forget Green Tea Oolong Tea Can Burn Fat Even As You Sleep

    Listen to this article

    Our hectic lifestyle coupled with a lack of physical activity and an unhealthy diet can lead to weight gain. The moment we want to come up with a plan to lose those extra kilos, the first thing we think about changing is our diet. Most people realize that it is our diet that plays a big role in weight management.

    To develop a healthy diet, you need to cut out everything unhealthy and include only those foods which will provide you with the right kind of nourishment while helping you burn fat. Turns out, oolong tea can be extremely beneficial in such a scenario! Were not the only ones saying this, science backs us.

    Green tea might be famous for its weight loss properties but oolong tea, too, can do wonders, according to a recent study.

    Researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan recently found that drinking just two cups of oolong tea daily can help you burn fat around your belly even when you are sleeping! Astonishing, right? Oolong tea is basically a traditional Chinese tea that expedites the fat burning process in your body.

    How does it help you lose weight?

    Much like green tea, oolong tea is rich in caffeine, an ingredient famous for boosting your bodys metabolism. In addition, oolong tea has this unique property where it leads to fat burning. Moreover, this tea has antioxidants and lipid-lowering properties that contribute to the process of losing weight.

    The best part about this tea
    It only takes a couple of steps to make this tea!

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    How To Take Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

    Oolong Tea for Weight Loss Does it Work?

    Oolong is the traditional Chinese tea. Oolong tea means black dragon tea in Chinese also known as qingcha /dark green tea. It is produced by withering the plant under strong sun and then oxidation before curling and twisting. The oxidation degree can vary from 8-85%, depending on the variety of the tea. This tea is famous in South China and among expatriates in South East Asia. They have variety of flavors namely sweet and fruity with honey aromas, woody and thick with roasted aromas, or green and fresh with complex aromas. All these varieties depend on how oolong tea is produced. The most famous Chinese tea is produced in Wuyi mountains of North Fuji named as Da Hong Pao. The leaves are either rolled into long leaves or wrap-curled into small beads each with a tail. Here we explain in detail how to take oolong tea for weight loss.

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    What Are Todays Most Popular Oolong Tea Weight Loss Models

    There are many oolong tea weight loss items accessible today for men and women seeking quality and reliability. Every oolong tea weight loss model follows the same essential premise. But they appeal to various users.Its no secret that certain products appeal to specific populations. What if you could see which products were the most popular across all consumers? You can, and weve got the list. Check out our collection of products that appear to appeal to all ages, genders, and locations.

    Improves Bone And Tooth Toughness:

    The antioxidants in oolong tea help keep your teeth and bones healthy. A study conducted on postmenopausal Chinese women who consumed oolong tea regularly had 4.54.9% higher bone densities than people who dont drink tea. A more top bone mineral density lowers the risk of fractures. Oolong tea is a rich source of fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel reduces the formation of dental plaque. Thereby preventing tooth decay.

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    What Are The Risks Of Oolong Tea

    The major risks of oolong tea are the risks associated with drinking caffeine chronically or excessively. They include:

    • Rapid heartbeat

    Pregnant women should limit themselves to no more than three cups of tea a day since excess caffeine can cause problems such as premature birth and low birth weight.

    Drinking tea can interfere with iron absorption, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

    You should not drink oolong tea with other stimulants such as amphetamines or ephedrine. Doing so could cause serious heart problems.

    Avoid oolong tea if you take blood-thinning medications such as heparin or warfarin .

    Also avoid oolong tea if you use herbs or supplements that slow down blood clotting, such as:

    • Garlic
    • Ginger
    • Ginkgo biloba

    Always discuss your use of supplements and other alternative medicines with your doctor. And remember that supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

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    How Much Oolong Tea To Drink For Weight Loss

    Oolong tea weight loss review testimonial. Honest review on my weight loss!

    For the purposes of weight loss, drinking oolong tea 2 to 3 times a day is enough. But one should be careful about the additional calorie intake. Health conscious youngsters prefer to have it with greasy meals as it is an effective fat blocker. But those who have weak calorie- resistance should take extra precautions. Also, excessive intake of oolong tea can cause a lot of problems. This is why one should never start drinking this without consulting a physician.

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    The Benefits Of Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

    Has your self-confidence taken a beating over repeated failed attempts to lose weight? Want to lose weight but cant give up on food? Dont worry we will not ask you to do that. What The Country House suggests is that you add a cup of Oolong tea to your diet. Weight loss is virtually guaranteed with this ancient beverage. Some studied have found that even people on a high-fat diet can lose weight if they consume Oolong tea regularly.

    Oolong tea possesses properties that can lower lipid and fight obesity. Oolong tea acts by accelerating metabolism, improving fat mobilization, preventing fat cell proliferation, and helping to maintain weight loss. It also helps to build immunity as it is loaded with more antioxidants than the green tea.

    Read on to know why Oolong tea is best for weight loss, when to consume it, methods to prepare, and much more.

    Stabilizing The Blood Glucose Level:

    As the blood sugar level of the body increases, there is more weight gain. Hence while reducing the body weight it is important to follow some measures such as controlling the blood sugar level. Regular intake of oolong tea helps to maintain the blood sugar level. Inside the oolong tea for weight loss there are plenty of poly phenols which help to maintain the blood sugar level.

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    Compounds In Oolong Tea

    The previous studies suggest that oolong tea can promote some weight loss. But, theyre incomplete. Much more research is needed before we understand all of the patterns and effects.

    So, lets turn to the research on individual components in oolong tea. There are three key areas to consider.

    Caffeine in Tea and Weight Loss

    The connection between caffeine and weight loss is well known and has been shown in many different studies. This is one reason why coffee is often used for weight loss.

    Basically, caffeine is a stimulant and it may increase energy expenditure in the body . It may also help promote fat oxidation . For example, research shows that:

    • Caffeine consumption may decrease long-term weight gain .
    • Caffeine can contribute to weight loss and can decrease diabetes risk .
    • High caffeine consumption may promote weight loss and increased fat burning .
    • Caffeine intake is related to successful weight maintenance .

    Oolong tea doesnt normally contain as much caffeine as coffee. So, the weight loss impacts may not be as strong. But, the presence of other compounds may make up that difference. Many people also prefer oolong tea and it is a good alternative for many situations.

    Tea Polyphenols and Weight Loss

    Another important type of compound in oolong tea is the polyphenols. The term refers to a class of micronutrients that we get from plants. They are high in antioxidants, offering many potential health benefits.

    EGCG in Oolong Tea

    How To Choose The Most Popular Oolong Tea Weight Loss

    Pin on Slimming Teas

    The three most crucial criteria to consider are price, quality, and popularity.Price is an obvious factor to consider, as you want to ensure it is acceptable for your needs.Quality should also be examined because buying a low-quality goods will not help you achieve your main aim of obtaining the best product.Finally, while not as obvious as price or quality, popularity can be just as significant as both when it comes to attracting new customers.

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    How To Drink Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

    Oolong Tea is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant. It is well known for its effects in promoting weight loss and speeding up the overall metabolism rate. Even though that is just one of the many benefits of Oolong tea, for those who are trying to lose weight it is this property of Oolong tea that often leads them to make it an important part of their diet. The process of making Oolong tea is unique and hence the overall properties are different from black and green tea. To prepare oolong tea the plant needs to be withered under the strong sun and then goes for oxidation before curling and twisting. Hence, Oolong tea is only partially oxidized.

  • About the author
  • How Oolong Tea Helps With Weight Loss

    Wanting to gain a deeper understanding of green teas effects, geneticist Sharon Moalem, PhD, author of The DNA Restart , traveled to Japan to meet with the worlds leading tea researchers. What he found shocked him: None of them were drinking green tea, he said. While that tea has great effects in lab trials, he found that the amount needed to deliver the benefits often causes digestive distress. So, what were the scientists drinking? Oolong tea, says Dr. Moalem. When I asked them why, they said its easier on the stomach and richer in polyphenols.

    Research shows that oolong tea can speed slimming as effectively or better than green tea. Oolong teas unique blend of polyphenols prods cells to burn calories more efficiently, asserts Moalem. In fact, Japanese researchers found that just one cup of oolong boosts metabolism by 20 percent for two hours nearly twice as much as three strong cups of green tea. Even better: Oolong promotes the burning of belly fat. In one study, oolong sippers lost two times more midsection fat than those who skipped the brew.

    Oolong tea doesnt just melt fat fast it helps keep it off for life. Oolong blocks the release of the enzymes that break down fats so they can be stored, says Moalem. Instead, the fats pass through you, undigested. As you absorb less dietary fat, the body burns its supply of stored fat for energy. Indeed, researchers found that drinking eight ounces of oolong with a meal cut fat absorption by 50 percent.

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    Why Oolong Tea Helps In Decreasing Weight

    Polyphenol is a substance that is present in the leaves of oolong tea. And it is also somewhat responsible for the possible weight-loss results. Polyphenols are present also in the black and green tea, and they assist to enhance the loss of weight and fat, no matter if there is higher level of sugar in the diet. A kind of the polyphenols, known as catechins, can assist in the prevention of the slow metabolism rate. It becomes quite simpler to keep on losing the body weight.

    In your best oolong tea for weight loss, the existence of caffeine is as important as the content of catechin because both of them have the roles in reducing the body weight. The tea, which contains caffeine and catechins, leads to more loss of weight than what you can get through consuming caffeine or catechins alone. The two compounds, when act together, may assist to boost the metabolism or also the fat reduction process. Simultaneously, it also helps to sustain lean body mass. Thus, the decaffeinated oolong tea versions can never be as useful for losing weight as a normal oolong tea.

    How To Use Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

    Maximum Weight Loss with Oolong Tea

    Has your self-confidence taken a beating over repeated failed attempts to lose weight? Want to lose weight but cant give up on food? Dont worry we will not ask you to do that. What The Country House suggests is that you add a cup of Oolong tea to your diet. Weight loss is virtually guaranteed with this ancient beverage. Some studied have found that even people on a high-fat diet can lose weight if they consume Oolong tea regularly.

    You are reading: How to use oolong tea for weight loss

    Oolong tea possesses properties that can lower lipid and fight obesity. Oolong tea acts by accelerating metabolism, improving fat mobilization, preventing fat cell proliferation, and helping to maintain weight loss. It also helps to build immunity as it is loaded with more antioxidants than the green tea.

    Read on to know why Oolong tea is best for weight loss, when to consume it, methods to prepare, and much more.

    Ni dung bài vit

  • When To Consume Oolong Tea For Weight Loss?
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    What Are The Side Effects Of Oolong Tea

    As fantastic as this tea is, it also has some side effects when consumed in excess. The caffeine found in the drink has been said to cause palpitations, lack of sleep or insomnia, increased nervousness and anxiety, tremors, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased bathroom breaks. It can also cause dizziness, ringing in the ears, seizures , and confusion. If you are sensitive to caffeine, please stay away from this drink and look for other active measures to reduce your body weight.

    Diabetes patients should use Chinese oolong tea with caution as it can affect their blood sugar levels. As for glaucoma patients, they must be especially aware that the caffeine in the drink can worsen their condition. Pressure in the eye can be caused due to oolong tea and can occur within 30 minutes, which can last for an hour and a half if not more .

    Oolong Tea Side Effects

    Consuming too much Oolong tea can cause anxiety, dehydration, insomnia, increased heart rate, depression, frequent urination, upset stomach, nausea, headache, skeletal fluorosis, kidney stones, allergy, glaucoma, and anemia. You should also take the following points into consideration before drinking Oolong tea for weight loss.

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    Some Side Effects Of Oolong Tea:

    • Drinking oolong tea in moderate amounts has positive effects. But drinking excessively may cause more damage.
    • Caffeine in oolong tea is not suitable for your health. The side effects of caffeine are headache, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, heartburn, nausea, etc.
    • Pregnant women should consult a doctor before consuming oolong tea on high doses regularly.
    • Diabetic patients should also talk to the doctor before the consumption of any such tea.
    • You may also become dependent on tea to the point that they develop withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop drinking it.

    Different Types Of Oolong Tea

    Oolong tea!!! So much better than green tea at keeping you healthy and ...

    Oolong tea has different flavour profiles depending on the method of cultivation and production.

    It can taste sweet and fruity with honey aromas, or woody and thick with roasted aromas. The taste and aroma depend on the horticulture and processing of the plant.

    We note that different types of this ingredient are used in the production of oolong milk tea.

    The two broad categories of leaves are broad, rolled leaves and long ribbon leaves. However, the teas also differ in their roast levels and oxidation.

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    How Much Should You Drink

    To get the benefits of oolong tea, Moalem recommends sipping two to four mugs daily. He notes that the tea delivers the most potent dose of slimming polyphenols when it is prepared by pouring six ounces of boiling water over each tea bag , then allowed to steep for a full two minutes. This process allows the tightly balled tea leaves to uncurl and release their antioxidants.

    The best oolong tea bags will look almost empty before theyre wet. If theyre packed too tightly, the leaves cant expand, Dr. Moalem notes. One brand we like is Buddha Teas Organic Oolong , which comes loosely packed and has a pleasant floral flavor.

    Tip: Though oolong can be pricier than black or green varieties, the leaves can be re-brewed up to five times just add 10 seconds onto the steeping time for each additional cycle.

    Because oolong works, in part, by preventing fat from being absorbed, sipping the tea along with a high-fat meal will help speed results. In Asian countries, they brew up a strong pot with a fatty meal, says Moalem. But be sure to enjoy the complex flavor of oolong without milk, because Moalem says that proteins in dairy bind to the unique polyphenols in oolong and reduce their effectiveness.

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    This article originally appeared on our sister site, First For Women.


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