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Is Oolong Tea Green Tea

Who Should Drink Green Tea

Tea Basics – Green, Oolong And Black Tea

Green tea is the most popular tea for a good reason. It is simple, has a nice bright, grassy flavor, and is available in many different flavor varieties.

If you enjoy a hot cup of tea that is easy to brew, green tea is a good choice for you. It does contain more caffeine than oolong teas on average, but the difference is not usually very large.

The used teabags of green tea are often used to set on your eyes and can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. If dark circles are a problem for you, have some green tea and place the bags on your eyes.

Green tea is the most diverse and simplest tea out there. It has many different flavor varieties and some good health benefits. Drinking a cup of green tea is not going to get you all spazzed out on the caffeine either!

A good green tea to start with is sencha. It is the most popular Japanese green tea. The Japanese varieties are steamed, which means they have a stronger grassy flavor. If you dont like this, try a milder Chinese green tea, like a Dragon Well.

Caffeine Content In Oolong Tea

There are many factors that can determine caffeine levels of any beverage brewed from a caffeinated plant, including the variety of the plant, how the plant was processed and how the beverage was brewed. The caffeine content in an oolong tea generally falls somewhere between a black tea and a green tea. A lightly oxidized oolong may have lower caffeine levels and a highly oxidized oolong may have higher caffeine levels . But this can vary depending on how the tea plant was cultivated and how the oolong tea was processed. Its always best to ask your tea vendor about caffeine levels specific to the tea youre purchasing if you are concerned about caffeine intake.

Why Do People Use Oolong Tea

Tea is a caffeinated beverage. A major benefit of drinking oolong tea is heightened awareness and energy along with sharpened thinking skills.

These effects are directly related to the level of caffeine, and a related chemical, theophylline. The effects increase as the caffeine level increases.

Some drink oolong tea to prevent or treat obesity and diabetes. One study suggests that drinking six cups of oolong tea daily for 30 days might help people with type 2 diabetes reduce blood sugar. Other studies — in both humans and animals — suggest that drinking oolong tea can help in weight loss.

Some people drink oolong tea because of a belief that it helps with other conditions, such as:

But studies done in these areas have been inconsistent and not conclusive.

Some studies have suggested tea might offer some protection against mental decline. While a recent study in China supported the idea that oolong tea might offer that protection, the results weren’t conclusive and further study is needed.

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Supports The Immune System

Give your immune system a big old boost simply by falling in love with the taste of oolong tea. The flavonoids found in oolong tea are awesome for the immune system and can even help prevent cellular damage along with increasing antibacterial proteins in the body which go on to fight anything that shouldnt be there. When it comes to cold and flu season, oolong tea can certainly give you a fighting chance but can also lend a hand on fending off free radicals which can cause everything from cancer to strokes and arthritis.

What Does The Research Say About Oolong Tea Health Benefits

Milk Oolong Tea 50g High Quality Green Tea China Loose leaf Organic ...

We have researched the most popular Oolong tea health benefits and green tea health benefits. Heres what weve found:

Milk Oolong is a special type of oolong that naturally tastes milky.

It is regarded as a specialty oolong tea.

To prevent and help fight cancer growth

Although laboratory studies show an anti-cancer effect in certain animals and in lab conditions, the few clinical trials that have been done and population surveys showed mixed results. A number of studies in China have suggested that high intake may protect against cancers of the colon and stomach. There may be some benefits of certain green tea polyphenols with lymphatic leukaemia, but not with colon cancer, indicate some trials. Are the results absolute? No. Do they indicate a possibility in certain cases? Yes.

To lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease

One clinical trial showed that a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract can be used with other dietary approaches to lower certain type of cholesterol. Other studies report no effects on lipo-protein oxidation . Are there results conclusive and absolute on their own? Well, no.

To improve mental functioning for clear thinking

Studies show that the natural levels of caffeine in the tea leaf may stimulate the nervous system.

To lower high blood pressure

Ti Guan Yin Oolong with Goji berry is one of our favorites with

amazing natural sweetness. Excellent hot or iced!

To prevent tooth decay
To increase water loss
To loose weight

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What Makes Oolong Tea Different From Green Tea

Oolong tea and green tea share the same raw materials since they both are made from the leaves, stems and buds of tea trees, but the way of processing is different.

There is no fermentation when processing green tea, while oolong tea is partially fermented. That means oolong tea tastes sweet and has multiple aromas. Without oxidization, green tea tastes bitter and grassy.

Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea

The oolong, the green as well as black tea are from the same origin, i.e., the Camellia Sinensis plant. However, they are different from each other due to the difference in the processing methods.

Oolong undergoes fermentation and is oxidized to an extent. The green, on the other hand, is not. Thus, the processing leads to two different teas popular across the globe today.

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Different Types Of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea has different flavour profiles depending on the method of cultivation and production.

It can taste sweet and fruity with honey aromas, or woody and thick with roasted aromas. The taste and aroma depend on the horticulture and processing of the plant.

We note that different types of this ingredient are used in the production of oolong milk tea.

The two broad categories of leaves are broad, rolled leaves and long ribbon leaves. However, the teas also differ in their roast levels and oxidation.

Is Oolong Tea Green Or Black Sorting Out This Beautiful Tea


Do you happen to have a nice oolong on your hands, and aren’t sure if it’s a black or green tea ? Well then, let me help you figure things out, since it’s not an easy task.

Oolongs are a completely different tea from any other, and they’re one of the most wildly differing flavors you’ll ever find.

Grab yourself a cup of tea and let’s get talking.

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Green Tea: Health And Wellness

Green tea is known for being high in polyphenols and catechins. For example, its thought to improve digestion issues and protect cells from damage by reducing the formation of free radicals.

Other health claims include enhanced brain function, help with weight loss, and lower cholesterol. Plus a lower risk of heart disease, and a strengthened immune system.

However, the health claims for both tea types are largely unsubstantiated by evidence.

Its worth mentioning too that both oolong and green tea contain fluoride. Fluoride is a component of toothpaste and helps prevent tooth decay. However, its said that excessive and long-term intake via tea and other foods can cause bone problems.

Which Kind Of Tea Is Healthier

Both green tea and oolong tea are good for health.

With lowest processing degree, green tea retains more catechins, which is an ideal antioxidant. In addition, green tea is also beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease, increasing bone density, and preventing tooth decay.

Green tea has wonderful health benefits, and oolong tea also contains the merits that green tea does not have. Oolong tea is known to be helpful in reducing inflammation, improving intestinal function, and reducing eczema.

Both of these two kinds of tea are good for your health as long as adding any of them to your long-term diet.

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Medium Roast Or Oxidation Oolong

Serious Eats / Vicky Wasik

Flavor profile: Mellow and warming.Oxidation level: Moderate.Roasting: Medium.

Kick up an oolong’s oxidation more, or subject it to a controlled roast, and you lose the super-fresh aromatics of the jade styles. These more heavily processed teas develop more warm spice notes and a deeper, more mellow body. You’ll notice accents of honey, toasted grain, or white sesame, but with a more woodsy character than the red-wine fruitiness of black teas.

Taiwanese dong ding oolong is one of my favorite moderately oxidized oolongs, full of nutty, sesame flavors that can be brought out even more by controlled roasting. A related style, so-called concubine oolong, uses similar processing methods but with leaves that have been bitten by a tiny, leaf-hopping insect that drives the tea bush to develop extra-fruity and honeyed flavors. Then there’s the traditional hong shui style of processing, which kicks up oxidation closer to black tea levels but balances out the tea with a long, low-temperature roast. The result is an exceptionally mellow and sweet brew that’s full of roasted nut and dark fruit flavors, but smoother and with a thicker body than most black tea.

Generally speaking, these more oxidized teas will last for more infusions than their green cousins. A green oolong starts getting grassy around the fourth or fifth steep, but you can push many moderately oxidized oolongsâespecially the roasted onesâto twice that number of steepings easily.

Health Benefits Everyone Should Have

Organic Green Oolong Slimming Tea // Weight Loss Tea 1.75 oz.

Tea drinkers rejoice! Oolong tea is not only a masterpiece when it comes to taste, but it’s also full of amazing health properties too. Soaked in polyphenols, theaflavins, and thearubigins, the consumption of Oolong tea can work wonders for your overall well-being. This tea is loaded with antioxidants like EGCG and can cover everything from reducing the risk of heart disease to fighting cancer, granting you glowing skin, strengthening your teeth, and boosting energy levels too. Lets plunge right into the healing powers of Oolong tea.

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How Oolong Tea Is Made

To understand oolong, you really need to understand tea processing. All teablack, green and oolongstarts out from the same Camellia sinensis tea plant. The difference in what ends up in your teacup depends on many factors, including the variety or cultivar of the tea plant, the terroir of the plant , and how the tea leaves are processed after they are picked.

The flow of Teatulia®s oolong tea processing looks something like this:

Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea: The Difference In Flavour

Another distinction between oolong and green tea is that they both have distinct flavors.

Oolong offers the widest variety of flavors. There are sweet and flowery types as well as dark, deep, and smokey tones. Base tones of honey and wood can even be found in certain flavors. It is less astringent than green tea and has a more exquisite and powerful flavor.

Green tea has a grassier flavor than black tea and has a somewhat bitter vegetal flavor. Though the final taste notes differ depending on the teas origin, packaging, and brewing method.

Overall, oolong tea is superior to black tea. However, other people prefer green tea because they believe it helps them lose weight. Is that true, though?

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Why Is Oolong Tea Healthy

Oolong tea contains both green tea and black tea compounds. Because its half-oxidized, it has more catechins than black tea. However, antioxidant activity in tea doesnt come only from catechins caffeine, theaflavine, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside are anti oxidative compounds as well. One Chinese study evaluated anti-oxidative capacity of 30 different teas, and showed that oolong tea on average has a higher antioxidative capacity than dark, white or black teas, and even 100% higher than some green teas. In fact, the mean value of total phenolic content in green tea was only slightly higher than in oolong tea.

During oxidation compounds in tea leaf change their structure. To benefit from the antioxidative activity its better to opt for greener, less oxidized oolong tea such as Ti Kwan Yin. If the oxidation level is not included in the description, both color of tea leaves and tea infusion might help you in guessing the oxidation level. Darker leaves and reddish tea liquor are a sign of higher oxidation.

Ti Kwan Yin oolong tea

Nutrients In Oolong Tea

Black Tea, Green Tea and Oolong Tea, What’s the Difference?

Similar to black and green teas, oolong tea contains several vitamins, minerals, and helpful antioxidants.

A cup of brewed oolong tea contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains about 38 mg of caffeine. In comparison, a cup of green tea contains about 29mg of caffeine .

Some of the main antioxidants in oolong tea, known as tea polyphenols, are theaflavins, thearubigins, and EGCG. These are responsible for many of its health benefits .

Oolong tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid shown to have positive effects on relaxation and cognitive performance .


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How To Make Into A Boba Drink

  • Prepare the base drink as described above, and add 4 tablespoons of brown sugar to the milk as a sweetener. Optionally add a pinch of salt.
  • Add ice cubes to a tall glass. You can adjust the amount of ice to your preference, but try not to exceed half a cup of ice cubes.
  • Add boiled tapioca pearls.
  • Pour in the tea, top with a sprinkle of more sugar, and enjoy!
  • You can remix the recipe above depending on the type of oolong milk tea taste and flavour that youre craving for. To sweeten the drink, you may want to mix it with honey or DIY brown sugar syrup for that extra zing.

    We hope you enjoy this in-depth guide to oolong tea, and we hope you learn to love the history and culture behind the drink as we do!

    How Is Oolong Tea Grown And Produced

    Oolong tea leaves are picked several times per year, with optimal harvesting seasons in the spring and fall. After harvesting, tea makers let the oolong tea leaves wither and dry under the sun.

    Removing moisture makes the tea leaves flexible and less likely to break during the rolling process. Tea artisans roll and curl the tea leaves to break down their plant walls and release their enzymes.

    The fun part? These curled loose tea leaves resemble tiny dragons as they darken during roasting and drying. Thats why the Chinese translation for oolong is roughly black dragon.

    Rolling gives oolong tea leaves their distinct shape, aroma, and color. It also aids in the oxidation process. Oxidation occurs when tea leaves are exposed to oxygen.

    Partial oxidation is another reason oolong is different from black and green tea.

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    Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea: Which One Is Healthier

    Oolong and green tea both offer a wide array of health benefits, making them both a great addition to your morning routine. The health benefits of oolong tea and green tea are in fact very similar. General true tea benefits include a potential reduction of high blood pressure and lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The fight for the most health benefits between oolong tea vs. green tea boils down to their chemical composition.

    While all true teas and herbal teas contain polyphenols and catechins such as EGCG that deliver robust health benefits, green tea has more concentrated amounts of these compounds than oolong tea. That means that green tea contains more antioxidant properties than oolong tea, which are responsible for health benefits such as increased mental focus and decreased risk of heart disease. Antioxidants have also been shown to eliminate free radicals which can cause oxidative stress. These antioxidants may also help lower blood sugar levels and are associated with a lower risk of serious disease.

    While green tea is known for its health benefits that include the ability to accelerate weight loss, that doesn’t mean it’s the only true tea to do this. In fact, in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, scientists found that regular consumption of oolong tea resulted in increased metabolism and a 12 percent increase in fat oxidation, which allows the body to burn fat more efficiently .

    Oolong Tea Vs Green Tea: Is One Healthier Than The Other

    Oolong Green Tea

    Tea is a healthy and delicious concoction that can make everything from quiet mornings to busy afternoons a little more pleasurable. Two of the most popular teas worldwide are green tea and oolong tea. Both are considered true teas and are recognized in traditional medicine and increasingly among researchers as agents of good health.

    Both oolong tea and green tea are famous among tea drinkers, the former for its flavors that range from fruity to nutty and the latter for its well-documented health benefits. As an avid tea drinker or a novice experimenter, you may be wondering which one is better for you. Here we’ll break down the differences between oolong and green teas and show you how to decide which works best for you.

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    Oolong Tea Health Benefits

    You get lower levels of catechins and polyphenols in Oolong tea than in green tea. Nevertheless claims are still made regarding the health benefits of oolong tea. These include improved gut health, stronger bones, and better blood sugar levels.

    Its also put forward that drinking oolong tea can help manage high blood pressure.


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