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What Are The Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea

Risks And Side Effects

The BEST Tasting Herb – Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Many people wonder: Does matcha have caffeine? One of the biggest differences between matcha vs. green tea is its caffeine content.

In fact, matcha green tea is higher in caffeine than other green teas due to the fact that it contains the entire leaf of the tea plant. However, although it is significantly higher in caffeine than regular green tea, it is still much lower in caffeine than coffee, with around 70 milligrams per cup.

That being said, matcha green tea powder may not be a great choice if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Although it gives more of a balanced, alert feeling due to the high levels of calming L-theanine, its best to keep intake in moderation and avoid around bedtime if you have any difficulty sleeping.

Because of its caffeine content, its also not recommended for children or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Keep in mind that drinking green tea on an empty stomach can lead to stomach pain and nausea. Its best to drink it after a meal, especially if you have any issues with peptic ulcers or acid reflux.

If you have iron-deficiency anemia, its important to note that green tea consumption can cause a decrease in the absorption of iron from food.

Unfortunately, lead contamination is a common concern with matcha and buying organic doesnt always guarantee purity. Buying a Japanese matcha rather than Chinese matcha can help decrease the risk of lead exposure, but its still best to stick to just one cup per day.

Is Matcha Good For Weight Loss

There is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss, but matcha is a great addition to a comprehensive weight-loss program. The reason for this stems from the nutrients packed inside each leaf.

For one, matcha has been shown to improve your metabolism and burn fat. That means that it tackles the issue of weight from both sides, giving you a natural boost in your fight against unwanted pounds, naturally encouraging higher energy levels, while also triggering that hard-to-access fat metabolism

As far as other options for weight loss, most are supplements which youve likely seen carry negative side effects. Since many of those shortcuts are new, synthetic, and untested, you should think of matcha as a natural way of improving your weight. If you are interested in weight loss, rest assured that matcha doesnt use any dangerous mechanisms to burn fat. It wont raise your blood pressure or cortisol, which are two things you want to avoid when trying to lose weight safely and keep it off. Besides, matcha green tea has origins more than 1,000 years old, our bodies have developed alongside green teas valuable benefits.

In fact, matcha’s effectiveness has been professionally documented. There was a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that showed matcha increases thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the rate at which the body burns calories.

Health Benefits Of Matcha

Matcha shares many of the benefits of green tea.

Its growing, harvesting, and preparation processes may boost the production of certain compounds that benefit health, which may make it the best concentrated source of these compounds.

Specifically, these processes

  • improved markers of metabolic health
  • strengthened blood vessels in the heart
  • reduced factors of tumor growth in the gut

Because matcha uses the whole leaf, people may get a more complete extraction of the compounds in the tea.

Green tea and matcha share many of the same health benefits.

Matcha may contain higher quantities of some compounds. For example , the shade growing process of creating matcha may boost the levels of important compounds, such as l-theanine, chlorophyll, and antioxidants. Green tea still contains these compounds, but matcha may contain more of them.

The brewing process extracts healthy compounds and nutrients from the tea leaves into the water. However, some of the nutrients and compounds in green tea leaves may not diffuse into the hot water during brewing.

With matcha, the person consumes the leaves themselves. This may increase the levels of the nutrients they take in. How much more they take in will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the quality of the tea, the extraction time, and the amount of tea in the brew.

A person who consumes

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It Can Strengthen Your Bones

Most people don’t think about actively taking measures to build bone strength, but it’s important for your fitness and mobility, especially as you age. Polyphenols, the antioxidant-packed compounds in green tea, may increase bone mineral density by reducing inflammation-causing oxidative stress on the bones. That in turn can lower your risk of developing osteoporosis, according to several past studies.

What Does Matcha Taste Like

Part 3: The Benefits of Matcha

Matcha green tea has a flavor often described as umami, or savory, typically associated with broths and cooked meats and pleasant to the palate. The lower grades of matcha progressively taste more bitter notes, which improper preparation can exacerbate. When youre choosing a grade of matcha, decide on how youd like to consume it, and be sure to sift it, and use only steamed, not boiling water. Culinary grades are not recommended for daily drinking, as the tannin content for many is unpleasant to taste, so thats why its important to select a well-sourced Koicha or Usucha .

Prepared right, and with the proper grade, matcha has an irresistible flavor. If thats not your experience, double check your source, quality, and preparation style.

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Is A Powerful Antioxidant

The antioxidants in matcha tea are naturally occurring substances that assist the human body in its fight against oxidative stress and various types of inflammation. The catechins in matcha green tea not only fight cancer and other maladies but are present in incredibly high levels. In fact, matcha contains 100 times the EGCG found in other commercial teas.

Lead Contamination Is A Concern

Even organically grown green teas have been shown to contain lead, which is absorbed by the plant from the environment, particularly tea grown in China. When traditional green tea is steeped, about 90% of the lead stays in the leaf, which is discarded. With matcha, since the whole leaf is consumed, you will ingest more lead. One independent group,, which tested teas, estimates that a cup of matcha may contain as much as 30 times more lead than a cup of green tea. Therefore, they recommend drinking no more than one cup daily, and not serving it to children.

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The Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea

Matcha green tea and its positive effects on human health have been known to the Japanese for nearly 1,000 years. Now that the rest of the world is beginning to discover the nutritional benefits of matcha, consumers are often surprised to learn that matcha green tea offers dozens of healthful benefits.

After spending about three weeks in shaded growth just before harvest, matcha tea leaves are carefully selected by experts, steamed, culled of veins and stems, and then ground into a super-fine powder that has the consistency of talc and a deep green color. Some matcha enthusiasts drink the tea for its sweet flavor while others are more interested in its historic importance as a ceremonial drink. Whatever the reason people drink it, matcha tea is a unique scientific product due to its positive effects on the human body. Here are just a few of the health benefits of matcha tea:

Enhances Memory And Concentration


Serotonin and dopamine are a natural byproduct of the high levels of L-theanine in matcha green tea. Studies have shown that both dopamine and serotonin are able to increase concentration, assist the human memory, bring on a happier disposition, and generally make people feel emotionally better off.

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Where You Can Find Matchaand How To Make Your Own

Matcha is probably best known as a warm beverage but its actually an adaptable ingredient in the kitchen and beyond. Its powdered form has allowed it to take on many iterations in the modern age, according to Danson.

Many people might be familiar with the matcha latte, Kit Kat, or ice cream, but since then, creativity with matcha uses has gone wild, Danson adds. We enjoy everything from matcha pancakes, matcha sodas, matcha cocktails, to cakes and cookies and even matcha noodles or matcha face masks. Even the simple application of sprinkling matcha on your yogurt or oatmeal goes far for a fun little burst of delicious flavor for breakfast.

Is Matcha Good For Focus

Many tea drinkers like to use matcha for long periods of work or study. The reason for this is likely not just about the caffeine, but also the theanine.

Theanine is thought to work synergistically with caffeine, buffering some of its negative effects. It slows the absorption of caffeine so instead of getting a spike of energy and a crash later on in the day, you get a longer lasting, more sustained energy throughout the day.

Matcha drinkers also report having less of this jittery feeling and nervousness that normally accompanies a cup of coffee. This can be helpful in not just getting more work done, but also maintaining a calmer, less stressed state.

Matcha was originally consumed by the monks to help improve their concentration during long periods of meditation. When you are sitting down with your eyes closed for long periods of time, it can be hard to stay awake. Whether you are meditating, working or studying chances are matcha can help you get the best out of your day.

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May Improve Heart Health

Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants that several studies have linked to a lower risk of heart disease. A 2011 analysis, for example, found that green tea consumption resulted in significant reductions in serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations.

Another study, published in 2020, found that the polyphenols found in all teabut present in even greater amounts in green tea and matchaimprove cell function in the heart and blood vessels, leading to a decreased risk of heart attack or stroke.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Matcha

Health Benefits Of Matcha Green Tea
1. Jitter-free Energy

Have you ever noticed that the caffeine in tea doesnt give you the same side effects as the caffeine in coffee?

L-theanine is the answer to this mystery!

This unique amino acid acts as the antagonist to caffeine. It helps to calm your nervous system, so you still get the energy boost but with less of the jitters or shakiness that people commonly associate with drinking lots of caffeine .

While all green tea contains L-theanine, the levels found in matcha are unmatched. While most green teas have 4 milligrams of L-theanine per serving, a teaspoon of matcha has 20 milligrams!

2. May Support Heart Health

Like other green teas, matcha contains powerful antioxidants called catechins. Drinking green tea catechins has been scientifically shown to support a healthy cardiovascular system.

Matcha is especially high in epigallocatechin gallate , which is shown to be helpful in supporting healthy arteries.

Matcha may also help support healthy cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.

3. May Support Brain Health & Memory

Studies have shown that drinking matcha every day for 3 months can support healthy cognitive functioning.

In another study on healthy adults, those who were given matcha demonstrated better performance in reaction time, memory, and attention when compared with a group given a placebo.

4. May Promote Healthy Weight Management & Metabolism
5. May Support A Healthy Stress Response
6. High In Antioxidants
7. May Support A Positive Mood

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Matcha May Improve Heart Health

Stay calm for this: Matcha green tea can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke* and matcha green tea powder may be much more effective than steeped green tea when it comes to heart health . Introducing matcha green tea into your regular diet may significantly lower your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.Of course, matcha isnt all you need for a healthy heart. Experts recommend a healthy and regular eating pattern that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish, and foods that are low in sugar, fat, sodium and cholesterol. Eating right and exercise are key to a healthy heart!

Matcha Tea Is Very Easy To Prepare

Taking advantage of the many health benefits of matcha is simple and the tea tastes delicious.

You can make traditional matcha tea by sifting 12 teaspoons of matcha powder into your cup, adding 2 ounces of hot water, and mixing it together with a bamboo whisk.

You can also adjust the ratio of matcha powder to water based on your preferred consistency.

For a thinner tea, reduce the powder to a half teaspoon and mix with 34 ounces of hot water.

If you prefer a more concentrated version, combine 2 teaspoons of powder with just 1 ounce of water.

If youre feeling creative, you can even try whipping up matcha lattes, puddings, or protein smoothies to boost the nutrient content of your favorite recipes.

As always, moderation is key. Although matcha is brimming with health benefits, more is not necessarily better.

In fact, liver problems have been reported in some people who drank high amounts of green tea daily .

Drinking matcha may also increase your exposure to contaminants like pesticides, chemicals, and even arsenic found in the soil where the tea plants are grown (

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Should You Be Concerned About Lead In Matcha Tea

Lead in green tea has been a concern. Green tea is like a sponge for lead, says Cooperman. Its not surprising we have found over the years reasonably high levels in green tea.

But ConsumerLab.coms testing has found that even if lead is found in the leaves used in green tea bags, it doesnt appear to be absorbed into the water. Cooperman says his team was concerned about lead content in matcha, because people consume the ground green tea leaves directly rather than in bags. However, their testing showed that among the six popular matcha brands they testedDoMatcha, Encha Organic Matcha, Rishi Teahouse Matcha, Teavana Imperial Matcha, Kirkland Signature Green Tea and The Republic of Tea Double Green Matcha Teathe powders were not contaminated by lead or other metals, and also did not contain pesticides. As of now, Cooperman says he doesnt believe lead exposure is a risk in the matcha currently sold in the United States.

You can ingest without worrying, says Cooperman. We havent tested every brand out there, but the premium brands we have tested have been clean.

Is Matcha Tea Better Than Loose Leaf Tea

Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Even they all come from the same plant, not all teas are the same. Camellia sinensis is currently used for making thousands of different teas that can all be divided into six categories white, green, oolong, yellow, black and dark.

The only tea that can compare with matcha is gyokuro green tea but only in a dry leaf form. But nutritional values change significantly with brewing. Matcha is made from same leaf material as gyokuro, but processed in a completely different way. Although nutrient levels in a dry leaf form might be similar, the way you drink them makes a very big difference in terms of benefits.

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Alleviates Bloating And Menstrual Cramps

Delivering a healthy dose of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties, matcha has been evaluated for the alleviation of the all-too-common period symptoms of bloating and menstrual cramps. For example, in one two-year, cross-sectional study with over 1,000 females of reproductive age, green tea reduced mild to severe menstrual cramping significantly.

How To Prepare Matcha Tea

Matcha is brewed differently than other types of green tea. Instead of steeping a tea bag and removing it, you’ll add matcha powder to a cup of hot water. With matcha, you consume the entire tea leaf.

Brewing instructions:

  • Boil water and add 8 to 12 ounces to a mug.
  • Add 1 or 2 scoops of matcha powder .
  • Use a matcha whisk to blend the powder into the water until the mixture is frothy.
  • Add honey or sugar for a sweeter flavor.

Matcha powder can also be mixed with milk or a dairy alternative to make a creamy latte or added to a smoothie. Once you’ve finished brewing, have a seat, take a sip, and enjoy your healthy beverage.

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The Health Benefits Of Matcha

Matcha is an excellent source of two main health benefits an amino acid called L-theanine and antioxidants. Unlike other types of tea, which are steeped in water, matcha powder is made by grinding the entire tea leaf. This means that drinking matcha enables the consumer to enjoy the health benefits of whole tea leaves. In fact, matcha contains more antioxidants than other commonly cited antioxidant-rich foods like goji berries and dark chocolate. As for L-theanine, it helps you relax without making you knock out, said Truong. A cup or two a day keeps me alert for a sustained period of time without the jitters or the crash.

The caffeine amount is another aspect of matcha that differs from other green teas. Typically, a serving of ground matcha will contain around 60 to 70 milligrams of caffeine twice the amount of caffeine in other green teas that hover around 30mg. For comparison, matcha is closer to black tea in caffeine. Still, matcha pales when compared to coffee, containing about a third or half the caffeine of an equivalent cup of coffee.

Another interesting aspect of matcha according to Truong is that the beverage can also suppress the appetite and boost metabolism. This is especially noticeable with unadulterated matcha . Of course, it also helps that matcha is delicious. A bonus is that umami or savory, taste you get from good matcha, not necessarily a health benefit but one that helps me enjoy the ritual of preparing and tasting it, said Truong.


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