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What Is Thyme Tea Good For

Aids In Treating Muscle Cramps And Spasms

What Are The Health Benefits Of Thyme Tea? | Recipes By Chef Ricardo

Drinking tea prepared with thyme leaves can provide quick relief from muscle cramps and other body spasms due to the presence of anti-inflammatory compounds like vitamin C in it.

Vitamin C also protects our cells and tissues from free radical damage, keeps them healthy, and makes them more efficient to deal with cramps.

Thyme Treats Colds Coughs And Sore Throat

Thyme herb has antiseptic and antibiotic properties, making it a great remedy for colds and coughs. Thyme is also used in the treatment of bronchitis. Thyme oil is one of the strongest natural antimicrobials, which is why it is used extensively in the treatment of sore throats. Its carvacrol content is a major reason why its one of the top essential oils for sore throat relief.

May Help Boost Immune System

The high vitamin C content and possible antioxidants found in thyme tea can make it an ideal boost to the immune system, which may help in relieving cold and flu symptoms quickly. Vitamin C can stimulate the production of white blood cells, while powerful antioxidants like thymol and apigenin may help relieve oxidative stress, possibly by neutralizing free radicals produced in the body. The potent natural antibacterial and antiseptic nature of this tea will also help eliminate infections and pathogens.

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Thyme Keeps Your Bones Healthy

Thyme is an excellent source of Vitamin K and a great source of iron, calcium and manganese.

These minerals of thyme play a crucial role in bone health, promoting proper bone growth and development, and reducing the risk of bone disorders. Thus, thyme helps in sustaining powerful, healthy bones and preventing bone diseases.

Can Aid In Improving Heart Health

Thyme Tea Benefits for Tonsillitis

Studies have indicated that thyme may benefit our heart, especially for people who suffer from hypertension. According to an animal study published in the Journal of Hypertension, rosmarinic acid, a compound present in thyme extract induced normalization of blood pressure. It could hence be used as an antihypertensive. Drinking a cup of thyme tea may help people with high blood pressure.

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Boosts Your Immune System

One of the best health benefits of thyme tea is that it boosts your immune system. If you want to have strong immunity, you should have thyme tea every day. As it contains a lot of antioxidants, it can prevent you from various ailments and infections. The volatile oils present in thyme increases the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Fatty acids preserve the structure of the brain, nervous system, and arteries. They play an important role in building the cell walls. As a result, having thyme tea will keep the cells of your body healthy. As it a great antioxidant, thyme tea can protect your body from free radical damage. It prevents premature aging and promotes the longevity of a person.

Keeps Our Liver Healthy

Consuming thyme in moderation is very beneficial for maintaining the health of our liver due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fibers in them.

Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidantal compounds like phytonutrient and polyphenols in the thyme protects the liver from the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals. This improves the efficiency of the liver.

Dietary fibers in thyme eliminate toxins, pollutants, and other impurities from our system and reduce the burden of detoxification from our vital organs like the liver and kidneys, and allows them to focus on other functions they need to perform.

Production of bile juice, excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol and hormones, metabolism of fats and protein, synthesis of plasma protein, blood detoxification, and purification are some of the major functions performed by the liver.

Nutrients like zinc and vitamin B complex in thyme also play a significant role in improving liver health.

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Side Effects Of Thyme Tea

According to the FDA, thyme is generally considered safe for use. If you are taking thyme supplements, keep in mind that herbal supplements do not go through the same FDA scrutiny as prescription drugs. Some side-effects of thyme tea that you should be aware of are:

  • Migraine: If you suffer from persistent migraines, we recommend that you take a doctors advice. Carvacrol and thymol have been listed as migraine-triggering compounds, according to one study. However, these effects are more pronounced in essential oils and diluted in tea.
  • Nausea: Drinking too much thyme tea can result in nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and stomach pains.
  • Allergies: As with any other type of herb, some people will have allergic reactions to thyme, particularly if a person is also allergic to other plants within the Lamiaceae family, including rosemary, mint, and oregano.
  • Pregnancy: While the FDA deems thyme as generally safe, this designation is for using thyme as a spice and not as tea. Hence, it is best to talk to a trained and certified herbalist or a doctor before taking thyme tea during pregnancy.

Treats Coughs And Bronchitis

Thyme and Thyme Tea Benefits for Health, Hair and Skin – One of Nature’s Top Antioxidant Herbs

One of the best health benefits of thyme tea is that it can treat coughs and bronchitis. Thyme has been used for the treatment of both dry and wet cough since centuries. If you are suffering from a cough or bronchitis, having a cup of thyme tea twice every day will provide relief. The thyme essential oil is the best natural remedy for coughs.

The extract from thyme leaves has bronchodilatory and relaxant effects. In a study, patients suffering from a cough were given a combination of ivy and thyme leaves. It alleviated the symptoms of bronchitis. Patients got relief instantly from coughing. Thyme tea can help in clearing mucous from congested passageways and lungs.

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What Is The Nutritional Value Of Thyme

Thyme herb is packed with numerous health benefiting phytonutrients , minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall wellness.

Its leaves are one of the richest sources of potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and selenium.

The herb is also a rich source of many important vitamins such as B-complex vitamins, -carotene, vitamin-A, vitamin-K, vitamin-E, vitamin-C, and folic acid.

Thyme leaves offer significant levels of quality phytonutrients profile.

Just 100 g of fresh leaves provides 38% of dietary fiber, 27% of vitamin B-6 , 266% of vitamin-C, 158% of vitamin-A, 218% of iron, 40% of calcium, 40% of magnesium, and 75% of manganese.

It Contains A Compound That Calms The Nervous System

Feeling anxious? A cup of thyme tea may be able to help with that, too. “Thyme helps produce beneficial effects on the neurological system because of a compound it contains called carvacrol,” Dr. Gersh says. “It has a natural calming and supporting effect on the neurological system.” Add it to your pre-bed routine or sip it at the office in high-stress momentsâeither way, you may just find that it calms your mind.

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Thyme Helps Treat Diarrhea

Thyme tea is a good, relaxing drink to drink if you suffer from loose or liquid stools. Drinking thyme tea for diarrhea helps keep you hydrated and also relaxes the muscles of the colon.

Thyme essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on the colon. In some cases, the effects of the medicinal compounds in thyme help relieve colitis symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Because drinking thyme tea is good if you have food poisoning, thyme tea can help prevent diarrhea caused by contaminated food.

Thyme Tea For The Common Cold And Flu

How to Make Thyme Tea

The antimicrobial properties of thyme, as well as its antispasmodic effect, make thyme tea a great natural remedy for respiratory infections.

Research has shown that thyme contains compounds that help treat cold and flu infections naturally. Thyme is a powerful antibacterial plant that can help treat respiratory infections in humans.

Thyme essential oil is also effective against multidrug resistant bacteria. Research found that thyme helped clear infections in the respiratory tract, mouth, and stomach.

Other research has shown that consuming thyme while you have a cold can help suppress a cough. Since thyme is a natural expectorant, drinking warm thyme tea can help break up mucus if you have a cold or flu.

If you drink thyme tea to help you get rid of the flu faster, add a tablespoon or two of raw honey to the tea once it has cooled down a bit. Thymes antimicrobial content along with honeys healing properties can help you feel better faster.

Another way to use thyme to eliminate a cold or flu infection is to inhale the aromas of thyme essential oil. Research has revealed that inhaling thyme fumes can help treat respiratory tract infections.

To clear your airways and help you breathe better, put a few drops of thyme essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Cover your head and inhale the thyme scents deeply for 10-15 minutes to help get rid of a respiratory infection.

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Thyme Tea For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder occurring due to chronic pain in specific parts of the body. Scientists believe it comes about because of a glitch in the way the brain and spinal cord handle pain signals.

Those who live with fibromyalgia can experience pain at any time – even when theyre not sick or injured. The properties of Thyme Tea, meanwhile, could, at the very least, offer support.

This infusion is antiviral, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antiparasitic and antifungal. It can lower the viral load of the body, thus making it an effective, if not yet proven, treatment for fibromyalgia.

To say that Thyme Tea cures fibromyalgia, however, might be a stretch too far. Like drinking this beverage for sclerosis, we await further research before endorsing it for this particular condition.

Keeps Our Cardiovascular System Healthy

Consuming thyme in moderation keeps our cardiovascular system healthy due to the abundance of vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, etc.

Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and other relevant compounds like lutein, zeaxanthin, etc in thyme protect our cardiovascular system from free radical damage.

Dietary fibers in thyme reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol and increase the level of good HDL cholesterol. This manages cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a condition that leads to hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to the accumulation of plaque and fat deposits in the arterial walls and is a leading cause of various cardiovascular problems like heart attack, heart stroke, and coronary artery disease.

Potassium, a vital mineral in the beetroot is a natural vasodilator that relaxes our blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and provides relief from hypertension or high blood pressure which is a leading cause of various cardiovascular issues.

Because of its antispasmodic properties, thyme improves the functioning of the cardiac valves which relaxes our veins and arteries.

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How To Prepare Thyme Tea

It can be consumed as tea as it is used in thyme meals which are very useful for our health. Thyme tea can be made from both dried and fresh thyme.

To prepare tea from dried thyme, put a cup of water in the teapot and boil it.

Boiling water is taken from the fire, 1 tablespoon thyme is thrown and 10-15 minutes until it is brewed.

If you are going to prepare fresh thyme tea, it is enough to follow these steps:

  • Thoroughly thin the thyme leaves.
  • Pour 2 cups of water over the boil and wait for at least 5 minutes to brew.
  • If you prefer to have a more dominant thyme taste on the ranch, you can take the steaming time to 15 minutes.
  • Whether you like your dried tea or fresh thyme from dried thyme.
  • Add 1 teaspoon honey to sweeten.

Thyme should not be thrown into boiling water and should not be boiled for a long time. This information applies to all herbal teas. All herbal teas should be left to be brewed in the juice, as we have just mentioned, and consumed freshly.

When plantingtea, boiling plants for a long time reduces the essential oils that are useful for health.

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Drink A Glass Of Thyme Tea Every Morning, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

Abe, S., Sato, Y., Inoue, S., Ishibashi, H., Maruyama, N., Takizawa, T., Oshima, H., and Yamaguchi, H. . Nippon Ishinkin.Gakkai Zasshi 2003 44:285-291. View abstract.

Abirami, C. P. and Venugopal, P. V. Antifungal activity of three mouth rinses–in vitro study. Indian J Pathol.Microbiol 2005 48:43-44. View abstract.

Adamczyk, S., Lazaro, R., Perez-Arquillue, C., Conchello, P., and Herrera, A. Evaluation of residues of essential oil components in honey after different anti-varroa treatments. J Agric Food Chem 12-28-2005 53:10085-10090. View abstract.

Adzet, T., Vila, R., and Canigueral, S. Chromatographic analysis of polyphenols of some Iberian Thymus. J Ethnopharmacol 1988 24:147-154. View abstract.

Affonso, V. R., Bizzo, H. R., Lage, C. L., and Sato, A. Influence of growth regulators in biomass production and volatile profile of in vitro plantlets of Thymus vulgaris L. J Agric Food Chem 7-22-2009 57:6392-6395. View abstract.

Agnihotri, S. and Vaidya, A. D. A novel approach to study antibacterial properties of volatile components of selected Indian medicinal herbs. Indian J Exp.Biol. 1996 34:712-715. View abstract.

Ait, M’barek L., Ait, Mouse H., Jaafari, A., Aboufatima, R., Benharref, A., Kamal, M., Benard, J., El Abbadi, N., Bensalah, M., Gamouh, A., Chait, A., Dalal, A., and Zyad, A. Cytotoxic effect of essential oil of thyme on the IGR-OV1 tumor cells resistant to chemotherapy. Braz.J Med Biol Res 2007 40:1537-1544. View abstract.

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I Then Googled For Thyme Tea Health Benefits

Thyme has a variety of health benefits, and it’s applied in different fields where health is concerned.

Thyme is used in suppressing cough, it soothes a sore throat, used to heal acute bronchitis, and it’s used for tonsillitis.

Since it’s high in antioxidants, thyme will help you in reducing free radicals that are responsible for many diseases.

It is good in lowering high blood pleasure, it will boost your immune system, thyme oil is used to disinfect, to get rid of pests, and it is also used as perfume.

Thyme has anti-viral properties, if taken regularly it will help fight virus infections. It’s an anti-inflammatory medicinal herb that is commonly used to relieve rheumatoid arthritis.

Thyme is also used to get rid of some intestinal hookworms and roundworms.

This herb can help in maintaining a healthy urinary tract. It’s also used for headaches, to stimulate memory, among others.

To sum up, thyme has antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.

With A Grassy Flavor At Its Base

The Savory flavor that I mentioned previously might be the foundation of the tea and it was brought to the Forefront by the base flavor of the time leaf tea. That flavor is the grassy almost vegetable type of flavor.

This is really the dominant Taste of the tea. When you put the savoriness and the grass in this together you really start to get a pretty complex flavor.

It starts with that savory flavor at the beginning of your sip and then hits you with those grassy notes before moving on to the other flavor aspects that well talk about in a minute, mainly the bitterness and the earthy finish.

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Keep Respiratory Problems At Bay

Consuming thyme regularly improves our respiratory health and aids in keeping respiratory ailments at bay.

Vitamin C, vitamin A and other relevant compounds like phytonutrients and polyphenols in the thyme protect our respiratory system from free radical damage and reduces the risk of lung cancer.

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C prevent inflammation of the lungs and reduce the risk of respiratory problems like asthma, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, chronic asthma, congestion, colds, flu, blocked sinuses, and seasonal allergies.

Thyme eliminates phlegm and mucus from the respiratory tract, and its anti-inflammatory property helps with breathing.

If you are not allergic to thyme and suffering from cough and cold, give a, try to thyme tea.

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What Are The Benefits Of Thyme Tea

6 Reasons To Drink Thyme Tea ~ Anabolicco

1 tablespoon dried thyme leaves alone meet 54% of vitamin K in one day, 2% of vitamin C, 2% of vitamin A, 17% of iron, 5% of calcium and 10% of manganese.

However, stuttering is important for our health important E, B6 vitamins and potassium, phosphorus, zinc and copper minerals are available.

The benefits of thyme tea, which adds flavor to the taste of vegetables and fish dishes, are as follows:

  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • It helps to reduce kidney stones.
  • It helps to heal intestinal inflammation.
  • It has an appetizing property.
  • It is effective against insomnia.
  • It is useful for the digestive system.
  • It helps relieve skin sores and acne problems.
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    Mullein And Thyme Tea Recipe

    I also enjoy this mullein and thyme tea recipe. Formulated using equal parts dried thyme, mullein and horehound, this thyme tea recipe is wonderful for cold and flu relief as well as asthma symptoms. It helps to soothe cough as well as clear mucus and phlegm from the lungs.


    2 teaspoons mullein leaves


    Combine the dried herbs in a large press and brew tea bag. Then, boil two cups of water.

    Pour the hot water over the thyme tea blend and let steep for 15 minutes.

    Remove the tea bag and squeeze out any excess. Then simply add raw honey and lemon juice as desired for taste.

    To relieve cold and flu symptoms, drink this mullein and thyme tea recipe two to three times a day for up to six days, or until your chest clears, whichever comes first.

    Thyme Tea Can Help Treat Bronchitis

    Thymes antibacterial, antispasmodic, and healing properties make it an effective remedy for bronchial infections.

    A study involving more than 360 bronchitis patients found that consuming thyme and primrose root drinks helped alleviate their symptoms. Researchers found that the thyme natural remedy helped reduce the frequency and severity of coughing spells and break up mucus.

    Another study found that thyme and ivy leaf tea was helpful in treating bronchitis symptoms.

    Consume 3 to 4 cups of warm, soothing thyme tea daily to help treat symptoms of bronchitis. The medicinal properties of thyme tea quickly dissolve mucus, relieve coughs, and help you feel better faster.

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