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HomeTrendingWhen To Start Drinking Pink Stork Fertility Tea

When To Start Drinking Pink Stork Fertility Tea

Best Book: William Morrow & Company Taking Charge Of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide To Natural Birth Control Pregnancy Achievement And Reproductive Health

Pink Stork Fertility Tea (REVIEW) – It Helped Me To Get Pregnant!

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, this book helps women in a clear and comprehensive way that is warm and approachable. Chock full of information, the guide is over 500 pages and includes intuitive charting systems for menstruation, breastfeeding, menopause, and other bodily functions, a color insert highlighting the main topics, and so much more.

This useful and award-winning book will help women understand their bodies, gain comfort, and feel empowered.

Designed to support a womans reproductive system, this supplement includes Myo-Inositol and Folic Acid which have been shown to improve ovulatory function. Its flavor-free, easy to take, and gentle on your stomach.

Women will appreciate that the supplement comes in small, discrete individual packets that blend easily with water, beverages, or soft food. Twenty-eight packets are included in each order.

Can Fertility Teas Help You With Womb And Board

Does the 6.1 million seem like a large number to you? Would you want to win 6.1 million dollars? I know I would, that number seems astronomical! But what if I told you that was the number of women in the United States struggling with their fertility. The sad truth is 10% of women in the US between 15 to 44 years old are having difficulties becoming pregnant. Yes, you can go to a special clinic and spend thousands of dollars on fertility treatments, but may you want to try some home remedies first to see if that will help. So, on that note, lets talk about some of those.

Can I Drink Green Tea While Trying To Get Pregnant

Although green tea is not on my list of herbal teas to increase fertility, lots of people enjoy it and wonder if they can keep drinking it while TTC.

Good news! Green tea has been proven to be safe for pregnancy and therefore for fertility. However, there are two things to bear in mind if you enjoy a cup of green tea.

First of all, it does contain caffeine. It is less than black tea but not an insignificant amount so you will still want to drink in moderation or choose a

Second of all, green tea, like black tea, contains an antioxidant compound called catechin which can reduce the bioavailability of folate according to a 2012 study.

As folate is essential for reducing neural defects in babies, you should make sure to take a good quality prenatal vitamin for at least 3 months before trying to conceive. Also be sure to include lots of folate-rich foods in your diet.

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Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red raspberry leaf tea contains phyto-progesterone properties. This may help to increase the levels of progesterone, which may, in turn, enhance fertility. Additionally, red raspberry leaf has been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen the uterine lining . Many fertility tea advocates argue that a stronger uterus may help to decrease the risk of miscarriage during the first trimester.

A study published in Integrative Medicine also found that drinking red raspberry leaf tea may help to boost nutrition. That’s because the leaf contains high concentrations of vitamins C, A, and E. The leaves are also high in healthy nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and iron . While simply increasing nutrient intake won’t help increase fertility, it may help to support a successful pregnancy.

Studies published in Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health also found benefits of red raspberry tea leaves during labor and birth. Researchers found that raspberry leaf was the only herbal tea tested and shown to reduce the risk of intervention during birth. This means that women who took raspberry leaf during pregnancy had significantly lower risks of needing C-sections and experienced shorter labor durations .

The Pros & Cons Of Pink Stork Fertility Tea


Here is a list of everything that we like and everything that we dont like about Pink Stork Fertility Tea:


  • May help to regulate menstrual blood flow
  • Proven to reduce the symptoms of moderate PMS
  • May help reduce nausea
  • No conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that the product will improve fertility
  • Uses a proprietary blend, which masks the dosage of each ingredient
  • May be dangerous if used while pregnant
  • Most effective ingredient only works when taken during pregnancy

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Promote Ovulation During The 1st Half Of The Cycle

The post-menstrual, or follicular phase, is the most crucial phase in the fertility cycle. This is the time when the egg matures to its fullest potential for fertilization and the time during which the lining of the uterus is prepared for implantation.

Furthermore, it can determine the nature of the next period flow and the fertility level for the next cycle.

Typically, you want to start supporting your follicular phase once your period is finished, or on day 4 of your cycle if you have a longer period.

During this time, consider adding these top 10 fertility foods to your diet, and make sure that your body gets these essential ovulation vitamins. They can help the egg to develop and mature and facilitate its proper release at ovulation.

If you have a healthy follicular phase, you should see clear signs of egg-white like discharge. Your vagina should be quite moist in the week after the period, and the thicker, stretchy fertile mucus should appear for several days prior to ovulation. And ideally, your endometrium should be around 10mm thick by ovulation.

Though Clinicians Don’t Recommend It Yet For Fertility Chasteberry Has Had Promising Results

Chasteberry , from the chaste tree, is known for its role in improving aspects of reproductive wellness , but most of the research in this area looked at chasteberry as an ingredient in a supplement rather than a fertility tea specifically:

  • One 2014 review of 33 studies found that herbal extracts of chasteberry are effective in improving the length of the luteal phase, suggesting increased progesterone production and menstrual cycle regularity both of which are helpful for fertility in people with irregular cycles .
  • Two small-scale studies conducted by the same research team saw improved pregnancy rates for people taking a supplement that included chasteberry, among other ingredients.

All of this said, there still isn’t enough evidence for a formal clinical recommendation of chasteberry as a fertility enhancer. There’s also a possible risk for chasteberry if used while undergoing in vitro fertilization : One case report showed it could lead to ovarian hyperstimulation. Taking chasteberry may also be unsafe for pregnant people and those with hormone-sensitive conditions.

“Given that there is not a lot of evidence and it does seem to have an effect on hormone-sensitive conditions, and without a clear understanding of what roles it plays in hormone regulation,” explains OB-GYN and Modern Fertility medical advisor Dr. Eva Luo, MD, MBA, “I’m very hesitant to recommend it for anything.”

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Do Fertility Teas Work

A. While the herbs used to formulate fertility teas have been touted as beneficial for many centuries, most of these claims are anecdotal, with little scientific research to back them up. However, some ingredients in fertility teas, like chasteberry, have been shown to improve fertility and boost conception.

Telltale Signs Of Low Progesterone Infertility

Pink Stork Fertility Tea|1st impression

If your progesterone levels are low, you may be challenged with the implantation of a fertilized egg, the development of the fetus, as well as your chances of carrying it to term.

So, how do you know if low progesterone may be hindering your ability to conceive?

Here are the 6 telltale signs to watch out for:

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Ashwagandha Could Prove Beneficial For Fertility But It Could Also Have The Opposite Effect

A 2018 systematic review that looked at ashwagandha a key herb in the practice of Ayurveda and fertility found some pretty conflicting evidence: While the herb may improve semen quality for people with sperm and luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels for people with ovaries, animal studies show possible spermicidal effects . The researchers wrote that further studies should examine how the herb is extracted and the ideal dosage for increased fertility.

Ashwagandha is likely unsafe during pregnancy.

Cspi Asks The Fda And Ftc To Take Enforcement Action

The pills and powders have unsubtle names like Pregnitude, OvaBoost, and Pink Stork. But an investigation by the Center for Science in the Public Interest of dietary supplements marketed as fertility aids for women found that there is no evidence that they help women become pregnant. Today, the nonprofit watchdog group is asking the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission to take enforcement action against the manufacturers, who CSPI charges are marketing the supplements as unapproved drugs.

CSPIs identified 39 womens fertility supplementscontaining a total of 94 different ingredientsmanufactured by 27 companies. The manufacturers claim that the products are intended for women who have had difficulty conceiving or who have underlying health conditions that put them at risk of infertility. ecognized as a viable non-prescription option for women who may be having difficulty conceiving, claims Pregnitude.

Some of the manufacturers make claims that could deter patients from seeking effective FDA-approved drugs. FertilHerb for Women, for example, claims to be a perfect natural alternative to fertility drugs or invasive treatments. And Conceive Plus Womens Fertility Support promises that If you are tired of fertility drugs and their lame promises, we have news for you! A testimonial for one product, FertileDetox, asserts that the users results were better than when I took Clomidan FDA-approved medicine that stimulates ovulation.

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Is Pink Stork Fertility Tea Suitable For Everyone

No. It is a fertility tea for women who are trying to improve their chances of becoming pregnant, thats a very niche customer base. If you are not a woman trying to get pregnant then definitely avoid this product.

Pink Stork Fertility Tea is for the most part harmless, but there is one group of women who should absolutely avoid it at all costs. Women who are already pregnant. To be fair to Pink Stork they make this pretty clear in their marketing and on the packaging. But it bears repeating.

Ladys Mantle should not be taken by pregnant women as there are some reports that it can cause a miscarriage by triggering vaginal bleeding. Passionflower may also be dangerous as it could potentially cause the uterus to contract . Vitex agnus-castus is also not recommended to be taken while pregnant as it may cause complications.

While Lady’s Mantle Tea Is Sometimes Recommended For Fertility There Are No Published Studies Evaluating The Connection

Pink Stork Fertility Tea Review: How It Helped Me Get Pregnant

The herb lady’s mantle has been used for a long time in traditional European medicine and Ayurveda. Though there are claims that it can be helpful for fertility , we weren’t able to find any published studies showing a link between the herb and fertility or even overall menstrual health.

Lady’s mantle may not be recommended for use while pregnant.

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Can Fertility Teas Actually Help You Get Pregnant Here’s What The Science Says

Before we get into the findings we have around fertility teas, there are a few important limitations to the research:

  • Fertility teas as proprietary tea blends dont have much research behind them but theres a wider body of literature behind the individual ingredients present in some of them .
  • Research in this area is also complicated by the exact words used. “The term fertility teas encompass a broad swath of herbs that originate from many cultures and can be administered in a variety of ways,” including blended herbal teas sold online or in stores that are often low in dose and quality, explains Dr. Hullender Rubin.
  • Dr. Rubin adds that herbal medicine in general is uniquely difficult to study because of rapid changes in its practice, no clear proof in what method of administration has the highest efficacy, the need for standardization in herb potency and testing, and the overall complexities in mapping symptom patterns to specific herbal treatments.

Despite all of these limitations, research in this area is growing. Below, weve broken down the key ingredients included in the most popular fertility teas and examined the research we do have around their potential impact on fertility. We’ll start with the ingredients that have the most evidence for their fertility-boosting claims , and end with the ones that have the least.

Fertility Teas Online Versus Recommendations From A Trained Herbalist

“Herbalists typically customize tea blends for their clients based on a number of factors, including current medications, fertility protocols, allergies, and personal preferences,” explains herbalist Camille Freeman, LDN, RH. If herbs aren’t purchased from reputable sources, Freeman says that some may be contaminated or adulterated. “We need to make sure that the people who produced the tea properly identified the herbs before harvest, grew or harvested them ethically, processed and stored them properly, and so forth,” she adds. This is why buying the least expensive option you can find online isn’t always the best idea.

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When Should You Drink Your Fertility Tea

Fertility teas are not regulated by the FDA, which may raise concerns in some users. Therefore, its always a good idea to consult your doctor and drink your fertility tea under their supervision.

Generally, it is recommended to take your fertility tea starting with the first day of the cycle and stop after the ovulation phase. The thing is, some herbs are not recommended to drink during pregnancy, so it makes sense to stop when the ovulation phase is over just in case the egg is already fertilized. Dont forget to carefully read the precautions before brewing yourself a cup.

What Are The Benefits

Pink Stork Fertility Conception Tea & & More!

As noted above, these herbal teas contain a lot of Vitamins and Minerals which are vital for the human body when trying to conceive. The main benefits would be that the tea helps to clean the blood and strengthen the uterus.

Another benefit is that the tea helps you to relax. Stress is known to cause infertility as your body and mind are not in the right state to conceive. The tea contains vitamins that will help you relax and therefore aid in getting pregnant.

What most people do not realize, is that most of the time they are not getting enough of these supplements in their body. A diet change can aid in getting pregnant as much as fertility tea. Certain foods will contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for your body. Most do not know this and therefore have lower levels of supplements in their bodies.

Another positive about the tea is that it can help in regulating your menstrual cycle. Irregularities can cause infertility. Most of the herbal teas are free from caffeine also, which is another thing that your body does not need when trying to get pregnant.

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Teas To Avoid For Fertility When Trying To Conceive

  • Chamomile
  • Caffeinated tea
Why focus on pregnancy teas when you are looking to boost fertility?

When focusing on fertility you want to consider what is best for pregnancy too, because there is often at least a two week cross over when you donât realise you are pregnant and you want to know you are supporting your pregnancy.

On the flip side, some teas like lavender are great for fertility but as soon as you fall pregnant it is not ideal âso for that reason I have omitted it from the list.

Some studies claim nettle leaf tea is ideal for fertility throughout all three trimesters, others claim nettle leaf tea can lead to miscarriage if consumed during pregnancy â although no conclusive studies confirm this apart from one source I have come across. It is best you âBody Testâ it to find out if this applies to you or not.

Ashwagandha Benefits Herb For Fertility

An Ayurvedic fertility tonic that is used to nourish the ovaries and uterus. Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic fertility herb for nourishing and balancing:

  • the ovaries
  • the uterus
  • the thyroid
  • feelings of depression
  • feelings of anxiety
  • the bodyâs energy reserve

You can also enjoy ashwaghanda in the Powerfully Pure Ultimate Fertility Superfood Blend, read more hereâ¦

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The Antioxidants In Green Tea Could Be Beneficial For Fertility

Since antioxidants can be good for fertility, green tea , which notably isn’t caffeine-free, could play a role in improving outcomes for people with ovaries and people with sperm:

  • According to one 2018 review, green tea may be helpful for fertility by reducing oxidative stress. But the same polyphenols and other antioxidants could actually be harmful at higher doses.
  • But, per one 2017 review, green tea may also impact vascular endothelial growth factor , a substance in your blood that promotes the growth of new blood vessels. Dr. Hullender Rubin explains that decreasing VEGF is a good thing when limiting blood flow to tumors, but not for the maturation of ovarian follicles .
  • One paper from 2008 also identified the potential risk of green tea’s effects on folate absorption. For this reason, Dr. Hullender Rubin doesn’t recommend it .

We don’t know the ideal dosage for fertility benefits from the antioxidant properties of green tea.

The Best Teas For Fertility Do More Than That

Pink Stork Fertility Bundle: Fertility Tea, Fertility ...

Increasing fertility, in the simplest terms, means inducing ovulation when your body isnt currently doing it, or building up nutrients and the overall health of your body so it may retain and carry a baby after conception.

Thats why teas are a great place to start when you want to start trying to conceive. While none of them are capable of forcing ovulation, the teas listed here are great for improving your health before pregnancy even begins. They can provide minerals and nutrients you may be deficient of, as well as balance your hormones.

Even if you dont normally drink tea, this is a simple, natural way to improve fertility thats easy to try. But if you dont like drinking tea or find these herbal combinations too *blegh* for you, you can always try herbs and supplements in pill form instead. Ive got a great article on the best fertility supplements you can check out for ideas!

Take the guesswork out of getting pregnant.

Enter your name and email below to get your FREE printable fertility tracker with places to mark all the possible symptoms of ovulation and a BONUS basal temperature chart!

Thank you!

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